Episode 27: The Beauty of Samurai Champloo
Recently watched this gem of an anime called Samurai Champloo. This episode is my humble tribute to it. Background music: Counting Stars by Nujabes Thumbnail art credits: Samurai Champloo
Recently watched this gem of an anime called Samurai Champloo. This episode is my humble tribute to it. Background music: Counting Stars by Nujabes Thumbnail art credits: Samurai Champloo
In the last episode, I talked about Darwin's theory of evolution and how it was arguably the most revolutionary scientific finding. It caused a lot of religious hurt and went strikingly against many of them, except some. Buddhism is one such example of a religion that was completely acceptable of Darwin's theory. After all, what Gautama the Buddha preached so many centuries ago was very much in line with this theory. Except, Darwin just merely scratched the surface while the Buddha expou...
Dissecting the concept of evolution. It is the most level-headed explanation for how living organisms have developed on this planet. But that wasn't always the case when Darwin first proposed it. How sharks have more or less remained oblivious to this phenomena. And, some (possible) expansions of this theory that takes us out of the "scientific" plane. #Evolution #Darwin #NaturalSelection #Sharks #Genes #GeneticMutation #Survival #Species #Fish #Amphibians #Reptiles #HomoSapiens...
I narrate a short parable rooted in the philosophy of Taoism that contains a profound message about the idea of 'the pathless path'. It forces one to look within and question the idea of a goal or a destination and the futility of it. Source Tao: The Pathless Path by OSHO Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash...
I dissect a really cool concept of Hyperbolic Time Chamber from everyone's favorite childhood anime - Dragon Ball Z. You might or might not remember it but I'm here to remind you how it was a crucial place and how one can translate the concept behind the time chamber to our own world's reality. No, you will (likely) not become a Super Sayyan but you are bound to gain an unfair advantage in terms of personal growth and pursuit of your goals, whatever they may be. Photo by Jeet Dhanoa ...
I talk about the constant trade-off faced by any creator between consistency and authenticity. How to balance the two using a simple framework I've come to admire more and more. What should one do at times of a "creative crisis". #creativity #value #order #chaos #balance #scaffolding #creativerut #consistency #authenticity #tiger #regality #kiki #paint
An ode to all the sports and games we have come up with throughout history. What is the purpose of games, and why are they such a central part of our lives? How far playfulness takes you, gamification, why pizza parties suck big time and what to do about it. #Games #Sports #Football #Barcelona #ASRoma #ChampionsLeague #Manolas #Gamification #Play #Learning #Productivity #Creativity #Playful #GameDesign #GamePrinciples #Abundance #Scarcity #Meaning #Mario #Princess #Jobs
Reject mediocrity. Seek freedom from the unproductive cliche's created by the society which provide no sense of joy or purpose. Here is a brief guide to invite you to start hacking your way through society's norms and ultimately finding true freedom. #Fuckit #Guide #Bungee #Freedom #Mediocrity #Inspiration #Spotlight #Skydiving #Neuroplasticity #EarlyHumans #Content #Alcohol #Courage
The grandest festival of all in the yogic lore celebrates the coming together in harmony of the two opposites. #Mahashivratri #Shiva #Yoga #India #Holy #Spiritual #God #Feminine #Masculine #GenghisKhan #Ambition #Courage #Selfless
How does a mind conceive ideas or moments of 'inspiration' (or 'genius')? And better still, can we make ourselves more available to them? #Ideas #Eureka #Archimedes #Newton #Einstein #Genius #Inspiration #GTAViceCity #GrandTheftAuto #Solitude
An interesting but incomplete (I think) take on the existence of everything. The dilemma in quantum mechanics and why Mario should stick to saving the princess. #SuperMario #Mario #game #quantum #science #theory #existence #physics
Check out Kraig's videos & other content here: YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@kraigadams Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kraigadams/ . My social link: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learn._.unlearn/
A great tool for keeping us alive. Where does it fall short? . . #logic #mind #survival #science #data #art #music #dance #poetry #spirituality
A short note on human curiosity.
Mental injuries, and a weird analogy.
Came across one of the articles from Chris Dixon, after listening to him on the Tim Ferriss Show alongside Naval. An interesting analogy! Article link: https://medium.com/@cdixon/climbing-the-wrong-hill-2f69de430f51
Talking about blockchain and why the age of centralization is coming to an end. No, I'm not giving hot tips about which cryptos to invest in (ETH).
Talking about Jordan Peterson's angle on the Pareto principle and how it affects us when it comes to our individual performance variability. Why global wealth inequality is not a simple problem. And some Naval wisdom on how to use the Pareto in your favor.
I recently went into a '3-day silence program' here at Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore. Yep, that means shutting the f*ck up for 3 days straight. This is my documented journey after going through this program.
Listen to my conversation with Joar, a tattoo artist from Sweden who almost looks like a Russian Gangster, because of all the tattoos he has tatted upon himself. He narrates his story and his journey from a quite fricked-up place in his life to now thriving as an artist with a pretty interesting craft of tattoo-making. Listeners' discretion, as the story includes massive drug usage and some pretty violent descriptions. Also, a serial killer. Enjoy.
Will you have a job when you grow up? If not, will that really be a 'bad' thing? The future of work. The mighty AI, and some Naval Ravikant wisdom. **Book I am reading: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century- Yuval Noah Harari** **Naval Ravikant recording was taken from JRE#1309**
Listen to my conversation with the first ever guest on the podcast - Mr. Mandla Mkhize, where we talk about how the current generation and the one coming after us are a bunch of weebs, basically. Mandla has come to India from South Africa and is a certified fitness trainer (or fitness adventurer, as he prefers to call himself) and runs his own venture back home around the same interest, Libra Athletic . Apart from that, he also organizes adventure treks through his venture. We also talk about hi...
Less of an episode, more of an update. Links: https://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/yoga-programs/surya-kriya/ https://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/yoga-programs/bhuta-shuddhi/ https://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/yoga-programs/shoonya-intensive/
Saying 'f*ck it' to the world and doing whatever you want to do anyway.
The Ultra-instinct. Not the stuff from Dragon Ball Z. The optimal state of being. What is it and how does one get in the 'zone' in any craft/activity they perform.
Attention. Why we humans can be such attention whores (sometimes). How craving attention can become addictive. The consequences of craving attention vs paying attention when it comes to our creative process.
Action>Theory. Why you (and I) should be taking more of it. And more importantly, how should we go about doing that when we are such lazy f*cks.
The 'what', the 'why', the 'how'. You know, just the basics.