In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions from a live audience including a father who says he wants to help bring presence into the lives of his active and unconscious teenagers who spend too much time on their devices, computers and cell phones. A woman in the audience says she is interested in manifesting her purpose, but also wonders if it’s necessary to be very specific in the process of manifesting her goals. Another woman asks about identity at what Eckhart calls the “Deep I” level and as...
Jun 22, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the “Deep I” and the “Surface I” - two ideas he uses to teach spiritual development. Eckhart says the “Surface I” is our personality and is connected to the horizontal dimension, the realm of our everyday lives. He explains when things start to break down, we see how unstable life can be. All that looks solid one day can begin to crumble… like losing a job, going through a divorce, getting older or losing a loved one. Eckhart says in those moments, our lives ...
Jun 15, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about human unconsciousness by telling the story of his father who he says had profound anger issues. Eckhart compares his father to a volcano, often brimming over with red hot rage. For years Eckhart says he resented his father and despaired whenever he had to brace himself for the next blow up. However, Eckhart reveals after he experienced his awakening, he realized his father was not capable of acting differently. Eckhart states that he finally understood his fa...
Jun 08, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks to a live audience in Arizona. He begins by saying the mind can be a wonderful thing – we can think, speak languages and engage in creativity. Eckhart also explains when we get too caught up in the mind, we lose touch with awareness. He cites moments in history such as Nazi Germany which he describes as a virus of the mind which took over and resulted in destruction on a mass scale. Eckhart warns when we create mind-made concepts about others, different from oursel...
Jun 01, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers a variety of questions from a live audience including a man who says he is legally blind from drug use and wants to know how to manage his fearful thoughts. Another audience member reveals he has made great strides in his spiritual development, but his 25-year marriage is ending as a result. The man asks how do you know when it’s time to leave a relationship? Also, a woman in the audience explains to Eckhart that she wants to stop sabotaging herself with her addi...
May 25, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eckhart talks about how critical it is we balance being with doing. He says without it we will not reach the deeper dimension of consciousness which is our legacy. Eckart explains when we’re obsessed with doing and achieving, we cannot appreciate whatever is here in the present moment, much less attain enlightenment. He states the world is already overrun with doing and the result is chaos. He believes the solution to many of our problems, both individual and collective, start with seeking still...
May 18, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about self-seeking. He says many people who are unawakened look for an identity in self-centered thinking. Eckhart explains these people may define themselves through social status, good looks or the accumulation of wealth. Eckhart draws a parallel with the ancient Greek myth of narcissus… a beautiful man who fell in love with himself gazing into a pool of water. Eckhart jokes that this was humanity’s first selfie. He explains this myth is also where the word narci...
May 11, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about the importance of finding balance between Being and Doing. He explains, so many of us get lost in the doing because we’re so focused on external achievements, getting ahead and chasing after what we think constitutes the perfect life. Eckhart adds that when we get lost in doing we’re also propelled by thinking. Eckhart teaches us that thinking is not voluntary. Instead, he says thinking is something that actually happens to us and the movement of thought quic...
May 04, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the life-changing wisdom we acquire when we stop compulsive thinking. He says wisdom is very different from intelligence and that true wisdom arises from a place beyond the kind of intelligence that is generated by the mind. Eckhart explains that even though thinking is a necessary function, we’re too dependent on it. He says most of us learn at an early age to memorize, dissect and label everything. Eckhart explains this fragmented sense of knowing robs us o...
Apr 27, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart emphasizes the importance of stillness. He says through stillness we will reach the next step in human development… the evolution of our consciousness. He explains that for thousands of years we have been trapped in complete identification with the ego, a thought-cluttered entity called “me.” We feel anxious and ill-at-ease in the world because we are cut off from our deeper spiritual roots. Eckhart says we must evolve beyond our current state of awareness. We do this th...
Apr 20, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about outgrowing unconsciousness. Eckhart says only awareness can free us of our resentments, judgments and negative thinking which are the deeply ingrained patterns that keep us stuck. He says as our awareness grows, we realize we have choices in how we respond to life’s situations, and we become aware we are no longer at the mercy of our conditioning. When we finally recognize these patterns for what they are, he says we will transcend them. Eckhart believes we do...
Apr 13, 2023•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart addresses participants' concerns: an athlete wants to know if competition is incompatible with leading an awakened life? Eckhart explains that one can have the desire to win, but when winning becomes the key to one’s sense of identity that is a pitfall of the ego. a man asks what to do because his presence practice has grown so deeply, he no longer relates to his family. He says he loves them but doesn’t want to be around them. another person asks for advice on how to sna...
Apr 06, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart takes the audience through his renowned inner body awareness meditation. He encourages everyone to sense the aliveness in every cell. He believes this is one of the tools which can free us from the ego. He also discusses asking for guidance during meditation. He says we may be asking for material possessions or the solution to a difficult life situation. Eckhart says the important thing to notice is what comes after we ask: we become still and surrender to receive wisdom...
Mar 30, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart talks about the ego and other factors that block us from deeper awareness. Eckhart explains why the ego loves opposition and thrives on feeling superior. He says being obsessed with the need to be right in a conversation is a perfect example because some may defend their position so fiercely, they become completely unconscious. He says awakening is the only thing that can save us from our egos. Eckhart believes, with practice, we discover a joyfulness in the depths of our...
Mar 23, 2023•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers a variety of questions, a woman asks about identity at the soul level. She asks do we, in our most transcendent form, retain some aspect of individuality even though we all emanate from the one universal consciousness? Another woman shares a story of her granddaughter who has a life-threatening illness. She requests a few moments of “presence” with Eckhart to bring her joy. A wife shares heartbreaking details about her husband who is dying of cancer. She questions...
Mar 16, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart talks about our true purpose which he believes is to transcend our surface layer of reality and our superficial sense of self. He says most of us define ourselves as a person with a past, an accumulation of thoughts and emotions built up over a lifetime. Many identify completely with this limited view, but Eckhart explains we are more than that. He says often a life crisis becomes the catalyst for discovery. We may lose our homes, jobs or someone we love, but Eckhart says...
Mar 09, 2023•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart explains why presence is the bedrock for our existence. He says without it nothing would be possible. He says most people define themselves through self-created labels based on our past or an imagined future. He says we must ask, “Who am I right now?” Eckhart believes we won’t know the answer fully because it remains a mystery. He says hiding deep inside each of us is a sense of beingness that we cannot define. Eckhart believes we derive our true self from presence and th...
Mar 02, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart answers questions on various topics including the difference between a creative impulse and the ego. A woman asks Eckhart about his decision to move from England to the Pacific Northwest. Eckhart says when the call continued for quite some time without dissipating, he knew he had to follow it. Eckhart urges everyone to stay connected to their deepest awareness especially when life’s challenges arise, and things don’t go our way. Eckhart explains why instead of reacting wi...
Feb 23, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart gives a brief talk on his signature teaching: the power of presence and then answers questions from the audience. He says the important thing to understand is the presence that inhabits our bodies is not something that is external to us, it is the essence of us. He says the secret and the mystery of the present moment is that we are the present moment.
Feb 16, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions from a live audience, including one about how suffering can lead to awakening. Eckhart says we need challenges in order to evolve. The great paradox is we are liberated when we surrender to life’s difficulties. Eckhart says eventually we can become grateful for our suffering because it pushes us to become who we are.
Feb 09, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart talks about the need for challenges. He says without them we would not grow in awareness. Eckhart explains the entire universe is evolving towards greater consciousness. He says beyond our individual lives, we are connected to something vital and vast. In our highest form, Eckhart believes we are the consciousness of the universe expressing itself.
Feb 02, 2023•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart discusses how we define our personal identity. He says it usually begins with the physical body, then possessions and achievements. He says we may have a long list of accomplishments - even personal wealth, but we’re not satisfied; we’re still not good enough. Eckhart explains defining ourselves in these superficial terms is a trap and just another form of ego. Our true identity is beyond that.
Jan 26, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart answers questions on a variety of topics, such as: What is the soul? Is it possible to awaken when we are depressed? And how do we sense presence in another? Eckhart says we experience the presence of others when we release our conceptual thinking about them. He says when we let all that go, a space opens and we are free then to experience what is sacred in others and in ourselves.
Jan 19, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart talks about a collective awakening growing on the planet even while the majority of people remain spiritually asleep. He explains most of us are completely identified with our thoughts - the constant, compulsive stream of thinking that dominates our awareness and creates a very limited identity. He says beyond thoughts is a more profound and truer self which Eckhart calls the Deep I. We begin to awaken when we recognize the difference between the two.
Jan 12, 2023•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart asks his audience, “What are you certain of?” After some discussion, they conclude very little. He references philosophers throughout history who have said life is a dream and our individual lives fleeting. Eckhart explains there is a deeper consciousness beyond the dream and beyond the person. He says we will experience transcendence when we make the shift from thinking to awareness.
Jan 05, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart answers questions on how to deal with death… for ourselves and those we love. Eckhart says it’s critical that we break the taboo so we can overcome our fear. eckhart proposes that when faced with the possibility of a very limited future … The ultimate question is not whether or not we will survive. because we all will die eventually. Instead we allow the situation to push us towards higher consciousness. He says it’s possible to transcend our fear to reach a state of dee...
Dec 29, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart discusses the path to awakening. He encourages listeners to detach from the mind, instead of being the mind. He says most of us get so enmeshed in our thinking we mistake it for reality. He also believes the mind tells us we need a long list of criteria to advance spiritually. But Eckhart says enlightenment is not something we attain in the future – in truth, full consciousness is closer than we think. We can break through our thinking to awaken, right here, right now....
Dec 22, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks briefly about what he calls the beingness behind our five senses which lead to the deeper essence of who we are. Eckhart then answers a question about forgiveness. He says until we are strongly connected to our deeper self, all of us will act out unconscious patterns that cause suffering. Eckhart says eventually we wake up and ask, “How could I have done that?” He says recognizing our unconsciousness is forgiveness. He believes once we realize we can make amends to...
Dec 15, 2022•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers a question about overcoming suffering and finding happiness. Eckhart says the world is not here to make us happy, it's here to make us conscious. He says the beginning of awakening is the end of suffering. We are liberated from the demand that anything should make us happy. Eckhart explains the world does not have the power to make us happy. But it is a wonderful catalyst to help us awaken.
Dec 08, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eckhart begins this episode discussing the purpose of suffering. He says suffering is the great awakener, that cracks the shell of the ego. He believes through the crack something beautiful and profound emerges. Eckhart describes it as our true essence. He says as we become familiar with this deeper dimension, we discover the very same “beingness” exists in others. He says recognizing the essence of who we are in everyone, is just one of the joys of spiritual awakening.
Dec 01, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast