In this sermon, Pastor JR teaches through Haggai 1 encouraging you to invest your time, passions, and values according to God's mission rather than temporary fulfillment. Sermon Text: Haggai 1 Sermon Notes: God’s Complaint We value entertainment over spiritual formation We value comfort and security over mission We value temporal over eternal God’s Correction God’s Command God’s Commitment...
Jun 05, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this sermon, Casey Schutza answers the questions – what are the promises of God that bring us hope, why do these promises bring us hope, and how can everyone gain this hope in life and death? Sermon Text: Romans 4:13-25 Sermon Notes: What was The Promise? Why Does Hope matter? How Can we get in on it too?
May 30, 2023•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast During this sermon, Pastor JR unpacks the paradox of our great worth despite our great unworthiness. The gospel says the best about us and the worst about us. We are unworthy sinners who are broken, fallen, and rebellious. The gospel also speaks to our worth. Our value is fixed because Jesus Christ paid a ransom for us on the cross. Sermon Text: Romans 4:1-12. The Essentiality of Faith The Elements of Faith Knowledge Trust Commitment The Effects of Faith Secure Standing Family status The world a...
May 22, 2023•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Sunday, Pastor JR talks through how the gospel practically impacts our everyday lives as Christians. Sermon Text: Romans 3:27-31 Sermon Points: Justification is a pardon and a pronouncement. The Gospel answers our insecurities and our pride . The Gospel frees us from legalism and lawlessness.
May 15, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast As we continue our series through Romans, Pastor JR unpacks how we are justified through faith. Without Christ clothing us in righteousness, we cannot approach God. Through Jesus’s sacrifice, we can now enjoy full communion with God. Sermon Text: Romans 3:19-26 Notes: Pardon Pronouncement Propitiation Imputation...
May 08, 2023•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast After a short break, Pastor JR jumps back into our Romans Sermon Series as he unpacks Romans 3 - every person's natural condition in regards to their sinful nature and how Jesus saves us from ourselves. Sermon Text: Romans 3:9-24 Every person w/o exception in their natural condition is under sin (3:9). Every person w/o exception in their natural condition is under the control of sin. Every person w/o exception in their natural condition is condemned because of sin Every person w/o exception in t...
May 01, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Sunday we continue our Grace-Driven Family series by talking about Marriage. Pastor JR unpacks what a Grace-Driven Marriage can look like in the reality of a broken world - two broken people being sanctified and finding joy in their marriage as they move towards Jesus. Text: Genesis 3:1-22 Frustration “…(the) ideal of marriage as a permanent contractual union designed for the sake of mutual love, procreation, and protection is slowly giving way to a new reality of marriage as a ‘terminal se...
Apr 24, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Guest Speaker, Kurt Bruner, gives parents practical advice on how to raise their children in a grace-driven, Jesus-centered environment.
Apr 17, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Sunday, we celebrate Easter as Pastor JR walks through Jesus' resurrection from the perspective of Mary Magdalene. Scripture: John 20:1-18. Sermon Points: Linger and Look Listen and Turn Worship and Rejoice Go and Tell
Apr 11, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast On Palm Sunday 2023, Pastor JR Vassar began our short sermon series, Jesus is Enough. We learned through Luke about how we as Christ-followers can choose to live a resolved life just as Jesus did on earth. Passage: Luke 9:51 Sermon Notes: Love for the Father Love for YOU
Apr 03, 2023•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Notes: True Spirituality is an inside-out reality. True Spirituality is evidenced by a life centered on Jesus. True Spirituality lives for the right praise.
Mar 27, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Sunday, JR Vassar continued our series in Romans. Pastor JR describes how our faith is not about our actions, but true spirituality is an inside-out reality. It’s not a worldview, set of morals, or list of rules. Christianity is about the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. Sermon Text: Romans 2:17-29 Sermon Notes: True Spirituality is an inside-out reality He brings conviction He gives revelation He gives confidence in Jesus He indwells you He assures you...
Mar 20, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture : Romans 2:1-16 This Sunday, JR Vassar continued our series in Romans. This sermon closely examines how God's righteous judgment and loving kindness work together to lead us to repentance and into the fullness of life. Notes: Jesus will carry out God’s Judgment God’s Judgment will be Just God’s judgment will be irreversible Our only Hope in judgment is Grace...
Mar 13, 2023•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture : Romans 2:1-11 This Sunday, Casey Schutza continued our series in Romans. This sermon closely examines how the religious person still needs grace and Gospel. Notes: Religious people can be falsely assured Religious people can be deeply hypocritical Religious people can be the most resistant to grace + Do I seek the higher future? + Do you seek immediate selfish gain?...
Mar 07, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture : Romans 1:18-32 This Sunday, Pastor JR Vassar continued our series in Romans. This sermon takes a closer look at idolatry and sexual sin and the different approaches of the traditionalist, revisionist, and the ways of Jesus. Notes: Revisionists: Paul was not addressing monogamous, consensual, committed same-sex relationships as we have today Revisionists: Paul is speaking about heterosexuals who commit homosexual acts contrary to their own personal nature. The WORDS of Jesus - Matthew...
Feb 27, 2023•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture : Romans 1:18-25 Notes: The Universal Condition of all People + Humanity has REJECTED GOD. + Humanity has REPLACED GOD The Universal Consequence for all People The Universal Cure for all People + Be saved + Be sane + Be sent...
Feb 20, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture: Acts 4:13-31 When was the last time you got into “good” trouble? Join us as we take a break from Romans and look to the book of Acts. Casey Schutza asks the question why is it so hard to be a vocal witness for the gospel? Notes: + Spiritual formation is preparation for witness + Witnesses will attract good trouble + The trouble we face cannot silence the gospel + Way to respond to trouble...
Feb 13, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture: Romans 1:16-17 The book of Romans answers the deepest questions we have as humans -- who do we belong to and why are we here? If we truly grasp and believe the message of Romans we will personally know God, have an assurance of heaven, and understand the gospel. This fourth sermon covers what the righteousness of God is and why it’s good news to us. Notes: + Righteousness of God: Something He is + Righteousness of God: Something He gives The righteousness of God is “God’s righteous wa...
Feb 06, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Scripture: Romans 1:7-17 The book of Romans answers the deepest questions we have as humans -- who do we belong to and why are we here? If we truly grasp and believe the message of Romans we will personally know God, have an assurance of heaven, and understand the gospel. This third sermon looks at the cultural shift away from Christianity and how we need a deeper faith, not a new one. Notes: The Gospel is God’s truth and power to save Christians still need the Gospel + The Gospel not only saves...
Jan 30, 2023•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast The book of Romans answers the deepest questions we have as humans -- who do we belong to and why are we here? If we truly grasp and believe the message of Romans we will personally know God, have an assurance of heaven, and understand the gospel. This second sermon looks at what the gospel is. SERMON TEXT: Romans 1:1-6 SERMON NOTES: +The Gospel has always been the plan of God + The Gospel is Jesus + The Gospel demands a response of faith fueled obedience + The Gospel is destined for all nations...
Jan 23, 2023•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Sunday, Pastor JR Vassar began our new series in Romans. The book of Romans answers the deepest questions we have as humans -- who do we belong to and why are we here? If we truly grasp and believe the message of Romans we will personally know God, have an assurance of heaven, and understand the gospel. This first sermon looks at the life and testimony of Paul, the writer of Romans. SERMON TEXT: Romans 1:1 SERMON NOTES: The most critical realities you and I need to deal with are “whose we a...
Jan 17, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sermon Text: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-10, 18 + Intentionally create margin for generosity + Establish a sustained response to the poor • Sustained • Strategic • Personal
Jan 09, 2023•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jan 03, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dec 25, 2022•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Matthew 2:1-18 “Because here's something else that's weird but true: in the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshiping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship—be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles—is that pret...
Dec 19, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dec 13, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dec 05, 2022•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sermon Text: Luke 1:5- 25, 55-66 God uses unlikely but available people to bring about his purposes . God’s plans always involve a time of waiting. All our lives are to bear witness to Jesus....
Nov 29, 2022•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sermon Text: Matthew 5:1-12 Identity of the Disciples Mission of the Disciples The Cost and Motivation of Discipleship
Nov 23, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sermon Text: Matthew 5:1-12. “Rather than the good life being defined in predominantly moral terms (i.e., seeking virtue, shunning vice, and conforming to a divinely given “way”), now the good life is often defined by a pursuit of a feeling, which is won by the accumulation of all the things you would find if one were to weld together ideal versions of a job résumé, dating profile, and Christmas list. By achieving success, wealth, power, and the right body type, we’ve allowed a modern combinatio...
Nov 14, 2022•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast