Faith, Power and Perseverance
Hebrews 11:29-40 “It is the exercise of faith in God that activates the power of God to bring about the supernatural work of God.” –JR Vassar
Hebrews 11:29-40 “It is the exercise of faith in God that activates the power of God to bring about the supernatural work of God.” –JR Vassar
Psalm 119:65-72
Psalm 80 “Jesus didn’t show up to lecture and condemn us, he came to save us.” – JR Vassar
“God owns all things, knows all things, and God orders all things.” -James Sercey, Student Minister
“You can oppose the Kingdom of Jesus, but you can never overcome it.” -JR Vassar
Gregg Simmons – Life Action Ministries “There is no humanity outside a personal relationship with our creator.”
1 John 2:18-27 “This is how you know you have the Holy Spirit living in your life, you see and trust and treasure Jesus.” – JR Vassar
1 John 2:1-11 “You can never enjoy a love that you have to earn because you are always afraid you can lose it.” -JR Vassar
1 John 2:1-6 “Being a Christian means I know Christ – not just as a good person, therapist, life coach, or example to follow. It means I know him as Savior and advocate.” –JR Vassar
I John 2:1-2 “You get assurance by looking to a person.” -JR Vassar
Philippians 4:4-9 “Much of our anxiety is the fruit of what we have chosen to set our minds on.” – JR Vassar
Philippians 4:4-9
Colossians 2:8-15 “The greatest threat to Christian freedom is other Christians insisting their brothers and sisters in Christ should act a certain way, believe certain ideas, and follow certain rules or they aren’t really Christians. Christianity isn’t a religion of rules. It’s a religion of relationship.” -Thabiti Anyabwile
“Contentment come from having the real felt presence of God in your life.” – JR Vassar
Matthew 6:25-34 “Your fears are false prophets telling you lies about God.” -JR Vassar
Hebrews 2:14-15 “The deepest greatest need of every human being is that you need someone to die for you”
Psalm 42 “Experiencing God’s presence is your only hope for anxiety.” – JR Vassar
Luke 24:36-43 “You can’t out-sin God’s grace.” -JR Vassar
Luke 22:39-46 “It is costly to be in the will of God. In love, He hands every one of us a ‘cup’ to drink.” –JR. Vassar
Luke 22:24-30 “Greatness is not promoting yourself to be seen, but humbling yourself to serve.” -JR Vassar
Luke 14:25-33 “We cannot live for ourselves and bring life to this world.” -JR Vassar
Luke 9:21-27 “When it comes to glory and shame, you get one now and one later, but the one you choose for later is forever”
Luke 5:27-31 “No one walks into the kingdom with their head held high” – JR Vassar
Luke 4:1-13 “I’ll submit my desires to God’s will and I will not define God’s will by my desires ” – JR Vassar
“We need to be the kind of people that take our anger and let it be fueled and motivated by love.” – Joseph Tenney
“You cannot move towards Jesus and sexual sin at the same time” – JR Vassar
“In the end it won’t matter what you owned, what will matter is who owned you” – JR Vassar
Proverbs 24:30-34 | 26:13-16 “Boredom is the result of being unhinged from your purpose and your design.” -JR Vassar
“If you hope to change your speech, you must address your heart.” -JR Vassar
Proverbs 1:8-19 “Creation and the Cross level all of humanity and equally elevate it.” -JR Vassar