6. False Hope
Episode six of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Columbia Point tenants face new management and a private police force. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode six of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Columbia Point tenants face new management and a private police force. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode five of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." In the turmoil of busing, Betty Ann Jones advocates armed defense while Betty Washington and Dorothy Haskins lead a wade-in to protest segregation. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode four of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Sisters Angie Irving and Linda Wade bring the Black Panthers to Columbia Point. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode three of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Tenants take their growing dissatisfaction and aim it at their landlord, the Boston Housing Authority. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode two of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Welfare rights advocates in Boston public housing use militant tactics to get services they are owed. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
Episode one of "The Point: Rebellion and Resistance in Boston Public Housing." Mothers at Columbia Point, a new public housing project, organize to try and close the city dump. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/peopleshistorypod
A preview of "The Point."