You Are Not So Smart - podcast cover

You Are Not So Smart

You Are Not So
You Are Not So Smart is a show about psychology that celebrates science and self delusion. In each episode, we explore what we've learned so far about reasoning, biases, judgments, and decision-making.


YANSS 279 - Pluralistic Ignorance (rebroadcast)

There are several ways to define pluralistic ignorance, and that’s because it’s kind of a brain twister when you try to put it into words. On certain issues, most people people believe that most people believe what, in truth, few people believe. Or put another way, it is the erroneous belief that the majority is acting in a way that matches its internal philosophies, and that you are one of a small number of people who feel differently, when in reality the majority agrees with you on the inside ...

Jan 20, 20241 hr 26 minTranscript available on Metacast

278 - An Admirable Point - Florence Hazrat

On this episode we learn about the history of the exclamation point, the question mark, and the semicolon (among many other aspects of language) with Florence Hazrat, a scholar of punctuation, who, to my great surprise, informed me that while a lot of language is the result of a slow evolution, a gradual ever-changing process, punctuation in the English language is often an exception to this – for instance, a single person invented the semicolon; they woke up and the semicolon didn’t exist, and ...

Jan 07, 20241 hrTranscript available on Metacast

277 - Visual Thinking - Temple Grandin (rebroadcast)

Temple Grandin didn’t develop speech until much later than most children, and she might have led a much different life if it hadn’t been for people who worked very hard to open up a space for her to thrive. In this episode we discuss all that as well as her latest book, Visual Thinking, about three distinct ways that human brains create human minds to make sense of the world outside of their skulls. Temple Grandin Visual Thinking Temple Grandin’s Twitter How Minds Change:

Dec 25, 202348 minTranscript available on Metacast

276 - How to Stand up to a Bully - Andrea Chalupa

In this episode David McRaney is interviewed by Andrea Chalupa about the psychological research covered in How Minds Change that could help if you expect to spend time with a family member this holiday who can't wait to pull you into an argument about politics, a wedge issue, or something else buzzing in the zeitgeist over which they'd love to start a fight. But, also, this is good stuff to know before ANY contentious conversation you might have in the future with someone who is quick to aggress...

Dec 18, 202354 minTranscript available on Metacast

275 - Blight - Emily Monosson

How likely is the fungal infection in The Last of Us? The one that takes over human brains and brings humanity to the brink of extinction, could something like that really happen? In this episode we sit down with Emily Monosson, an expert on deadly fungal infections, and discuss the handful of fungi (we know of) that are today, right now, causing catastrophic declines in wildlife, eradicating trees, destroying crops, and increasingly impacting humans. Monsoon explains that many in the field worr...

Dec 11, 202347 minTranscript available on Metacast

274 - Cascades - Greg Satell

In this episode we sit down with Greg Satell, a communication expert whose book, Cascades , details how rapid, widespread change can sweep across groups of people big and small, and how understanding the psychological mechanisms at play in such moments can help anyone looking to create change in a family, institution, or even nation, prepare for the inevitable resistance they will face. • Special Offer From Greg Satell • Greg Satell's Website • Greg Satell's Blog • Greg Satell's Twitter • Newsle...

Nov 27, 20231 hr 11 minTranscript available on Metacast

273 - The Conspiracy Test - Jesse Richardson

In this episode Jesse Richardson tells us all about , a new project designed to be a weird, fun, and cleverly educational way to explore just how skeptical you are (and could be) about a variety of conspiracy theories. The whole thing is designed to be very sharable and very viral, and it's launching right before Thanksgiving 2023 so that you can share it with your conspiracy-theory-entertaining friends and family over the holidays, in person or over social media (but you shou...

Nov 12, 202359 minTranscript available on Metacast

272 - Quit! - Annie Duke (rebroadcast)

I recently sat down for a live event and Q&A with the great Annie Duke to discuss her new book, Quit: The power of knowing when to walk away. This episode is the audio from that event. Quit is all about how to develop a very particular skill: how to train your brain to make it easier to know which goals and plans are worth sticking to and which are not. In Quit, Duke teaches you how to get good at quitting. Drawing on stories from elite athletes like Mount Everest climbers, founders of leading c...

Oct 29, 202359 minTranscript available on Metacast

271 - Survival of the Richest - Douglas Rushkoff (rebroadcast)

In this episode we sit down with Douglas Rushkoff , a media scholar, journalist, and professor of digital economics who has a new fire in his belly when it comes to the world of billionaire preppers, which comes across in his new book Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires – inspired by his invitation to consult a group of the world’s richest people on how to spend their money now to survive an apocalypse they fear is coming within their lifetimes. How Minds Change Da...

Oct 15, 20231 hr 1 minTranscript available on Metacast

270 - Defining Genius

In this show you'll hear the first episode of a documentary series I made for Himalaya, an audio service devoted to inspirational and educational content that asked me if I had any ideas for a book that I had yet to pursue, and sure enough, I did. The series is all about the difficulty of defining the word "genius," and out of that launching point it goes deep into the science of human potential and the history of the both the word and all the ideas we have attempted to understand and express wh...

Oct 01, 20231 hr 12 minTranscript available on Metacast

269 - Deconstructing How Minds Change - Michael Taft

In celebration of How Minds Change, my new book, turning one-year-old, in this episode Michael Taft interviews David McRaney about how minds do and do not change, the process behind writing a book about that, and what he has learned since writing and promoting it. Michael is a meditation teacher, bestselling author, and a mindfulness coach – and he specializes in secular, science-based mindfulness training. If you are interested in a science-based, secular book about meditation and and mindfulne...

Sep 14, 20231 hr 5 minTranscript available on Metacast

268 - The Status Game - Will Storr (rebroadcast)

In this episode we welcome back author Will Storr whose new book, The Status Game, feels like required reading for anyone confused, curious, or worried about how politics, cults, conspiracy theories communities, social media, religious fundamentalism, polarization, and extremism are affecting us - everywhere, on and offline, across cultures, and across the world. What is The Status Game? It’s our primate propensity to perpetually pursue points that will provide a higher level of regard among the...

Sep 03, 20231 hr 16 minTranscript available on Metacast

267 - Do Your Own Research - Sedona Chinn

Sedona Chinn, who studies how people make sense of competing scientific, environmental, and health-related claims, joins us to discuss her latest research into doing your own research. In her latest paper she found that the more a person values the concept of doing your own research, the less likely that person is to actually do their own research. In the episode we explore the origin of the concept, what that phrase really means, and the implications of her study on everything from politics to ...

Aug 19, 202342 minTranscript available on Metacast

266 - Project Alpha - Brian Brushwood

We sit down with Brian Brushwood to discuss how he put together this most recent season of The World's Greatest Con, his podcast about incredible scams. This season is all about how two teenagers pulled off an incredible hoax called Project Alpha, a con job and a publicity stunt, meant to improve scientific rigor and methodology when it comes to studying the possibility of the existence of psychic phenomena. Links: Brian's Website Brian's Twitter New Yorker Article about Spiritualism The World's...

Aug 06, 20231 hr 6 minTranscript available on Metacast

265 - Chess Queens - Jennifer Shahade (rebroadcast)

In this episode we sit down with Jennifer Shahade, a two-time U.S. Women’s Chess Champion, author, speaker, and professional poker player whose new book, Chess Queens, is the true story of the greatest female players of all time interwoven with her own experiences as a chess champion. Jennifer Shahade’s Website Jennifer Shahade’s Instagram Jennifer Shahade’s Twitter How Minds Change David McRaney’s Twitter YANSS Twitter Show Notes Newsletter Patreon...

Jul 23, 202358 minTranscript available on Metacast

264 - Nobody's Fool - Dan Simons and Christopher Chabris

In an era in which we have more information available to us than ever before, when claims of “fake news” might themselves be, in fact, fake news, Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, authors of The Invisible Gorilla, are back to offer us a vital tool to not only inoculate ourselves against getting infected by misinformation but prevent us from spreading it to others, a new book titled Nobody's Fool. Dan Simon's Website Christopher Chabris' Website Nobody's Fool How Minds Change David McRaney’s...

Jul 11, 202349 minTranscript available on Metacast

263 - The Truth Wins - Tom Stafford (rebroadcast)

Deliberation. Debate. Conversation. Though it can feel like that’s what we are doing online as we trade arguments back and forth, most of the places where we currently gather make it much easier to produce arguments in isolation rather than evaluate them together in groups. The latest research suggests we will need much more of the latter if we hope to create a new, modern, functioning marketplace of ideas. In this episode, psychologist Tom Stafford takes us through his research into how to do j...

Jul 09, 202346 minTranscript available on Metacast

262 - If It Sounds Like a Quack - Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling

At the peak of COVID-19, Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling set out to write a book about the widespread pushback against masks and vaccines as away to discuss the rise of the medical freedom movement in America. But after meeting a series of people within that movement his efforts took a sharp turn into the motivations, tribulations, and personal lives of the people who sell miracle cures and dietary supplements, skirting the law when they can, and heading to jail when they can't. The book is titled, If ...

Jun 25, 202350 minTranscript available on Metacast

261 - Hack Your Bureaucracy - Marina Nitze

Marina Nitze is a professional fixer of broken systems – a hacker, not of computers and technology, but of the social phenomena that tend to emerge when people get together and form organizations, institutions, services, businesses, and governments. In short, she hacks bureaucracies and wants to teach you how to do the same. - Hack Your Bureaucracy: - Marina Nitze: - How Minds Change: - David ...

Jun 11, 202342 minTranscript available on Metacast

260 - The Science of Stuck - Britt Frank (rebroadcast)

Feeling stuck? Can't build momentum to escape all the loops keeping you from moving forward? Our guest in this episode is professor, author, therapist, and speaker Britt Frank, a trauma specialist who treats people with unique and powerful techniques and approaches which help clients to get out of the feeling of being stuck. In the show, we nerd out with Britt about how hard it is to be a person, and though this interview is supposed to be about her new book - " The Science of Stuck: Breaking Th...

May 28, 202349 minTranscript available on Metacast

259 - Think Again - Adam Grant (rebroadcast)

How to manage procrastination according to Margaret Atwood, how to work around your first-instinct fallacy, the upsides of imposter syndrome, the best way to avoid falling prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect, how to avoid thinking like a preacher, prosecutor, or politician so you can think like a scientist instead – and that’s just the beginning of the conversation in this episode with psychologist, podcast host, and author Adam Grant. In the show, we discuss both his new book – Think Again: The P...

May 13, 202356 minTranscript available on Metacast

258 - Under Alien Skies - Phil Plait

Astronomer Phil Plait joins us to discuss his new book, Under Alien Skies, in which he describes what it would be like (through human eyes and real physical experiences) to actually travel to Saturn, Mars, asteroids, and distant stars. Also, we discuss the recent surge in UFO sighting as well as his famous talk at The Amazing Meeting more than a decade ago in which he asked all science communicators and critical thinkers to approach those who believe in pseudoscience with empathy and respect ins...

Apr 30, 20231 hr 9 minTranscript available on Metacast

257 - What Do You Mean? - Celeste Kidd

Is a hotdog a sandwich? Well, that depends on your definition of a sandwich (and a hotdog), and according to the most recent research in cognitive science, the odds that your concept of a sandwich is the same as another person's concept are shockingly low. In this episode we explore how understanding why that question became a world-spanning argument in the mid 2010s helps us understand some of the world-spanning arguments vexing us today. Our guest is psychologist Celeste Kidd who studies how w...

Apr 16, 202349 minTranscript available on Metacast

256 - The Persuaders - Anand Giridharadas

This is the third episode in a three-part series about how to have difficult conversations with people who see the world differently, how to have better debates about contentious issues, and how to ethically and scientifically persuade one another about things that matter – in short, this is a three-part series about How Minds Change (which is also the title of my new book). There seems to be a movement afoot, a new wave of nonfiction about how to reduce all this argumentative madness and episte...

Apr 02, 20231 hr 10 minTranscript available on Metacast

255 - Good Arguments - Bo Seo

This is the second episode in a three-part series about how to have difficult conversations with people who see the world differently, how to have better debates about contentious issues, and how to ethically and scientifically persuade one another about things that matter – in short, this is a three-part series about How Minds Change (which is also the title of my new book). There seems to be a movement afoot, a new wave of nonfiction about how to reduce all this argumentative madness and epist...

Mar 19, 20231 hr 4 minTranscript available on Metacast

254 - I Never Thought of It That Way - Mónica Guzmán

This is the first episode in a three-part series about how to have difficult conversations with people who see the world differently, how to have better debates about contentious issues, and how to ethically and scientifically persuade one another about things that matter – in short, this is a three-part series about How Minds Change (which is also the title of my new book). There seems to be a movement afoot, a new wave of nonfiction about how to reduce all this argumentative madness and episte...

Mar 05, 202352 minTranscript available on Metacast

253 - The World's Greatest Con - Brian Brushwood (rebroadcast)

In this episode, we sit down with famed stage magician and infamous instructor of the school of scams, Brian Brushwood, whose new podcast explores the world's greatest con artists and con jobs from World War II to modern game shows. We cover everything in this episode from why you can't con an honest person to the power of shame and fame to folk psychology to how the British conned Hitler using one of the oldest tricks in the book to how one man broke the code for Press Your Luck earning him the...

Feb 19, 202353 minTranscript available on Metacast

252 - Procrastination - Britt Frank

It’s February. It’s that time of year when we start to wonder if we might not follow through with our New Year’s resolutions. It’s that time of the year when procrastination becomes a centerpiece of our psychological concerns. Our guest in this episode is professor, author, therapist, and speaker Britt Frank, a trauma specialist who treats people with a unique and powerful set of techniques and approaches which, taken together, helps clients to get out of the feeling of being STUCK. Author of Th...

Feb 05, 202342 minTranscript available on Metacast

251 - Come up for Air - Nick Sonnenberg

Nick Sonnenberg doesn’t believe there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. That’s because when his business was in crisis mode, he developed a framework for eliminating inefficiencies and preventing the sort of metawork – working on working – that leads to scavenger hunts and meetings that could be emails, and for that matter, email runarounds that get everyone ever farther from inbox zero. He turned that framework into a consultancy business, and put it all together in a ...

Jan 22, 202344 minTranscript available on Metacast

250 - Awe - Dacher Keltner

In this episode we sit down with psychologist Dacher Keltner, one of the world’s leading experts on the science of emotion, the man Pixar hired to help them write Inside Out. In his new book – Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life – he outlines his years of work in this field, the health benefits of awe, the evolutionary origins and likely functions, and how to better pursue more awe and wonder in your own life. Dacher Kelter:

Jan 08, 202354 minTranscript available on Metacast
You Are Not So Smart podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast