Sustainability. It's a buzzword that gets lots of headlines, but what if our definition of it is incomplete? That's the view of Hannah Ritchie - Hannah is the lead Environmental Scientist at - a leading data science organization that analyses data to find out the true state of our world. In today's conversation we explore her findings on the planet's biggest issues. We discuss which problems are over-hyped, which ones are under-hyped, and most importantly: How do we become sustainable AND keep the high quality of life we're used to? That would indeed be a Win-Win.
Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:02:06 - Redefining Sustainability 00:09:12 - The Perception Gap 00:22:09 - Degrowth Movement 00:26:46 - Jevon's Paradox 00:31:38 - Carbon Tax & Rethinking Incentives 00:35:45 - Latest Climate Data 00:43:38 - Geoengineering Solutions 00:50:03 - Impact of Farming 00:59:42 - Environmental Success Stories 01:05:12 - Badly Behaving Businesses 01:18:33 - Most Surprising Fact on OWID 01:26:18 - Relationship with Competition 01:31:38 - Win-Win Futures
♾️ Not the End of The World by Hannah Ritchie
♾️ Our World in Data
♾️ Hannah’s TED Talk - Are We the Last Generation or the First Sustainable One?
♾️ Hans Rosling - The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen
♾️ Nate Hagen’s Youtube Channel
The Win-Win Podcast:
Poker champion Liv Boeree takes to the interview chair to tease apart the complexities of one of the most fundamental parts of human nature: competition. Liv is joined by top philosophers, gamers, artists, technologists, CEOs, scientists, athletes and more to understand how competition manifests in their world, and how to change seemingly win-lose games into Win-Wins.
Watch the previous episode with Philosopher Nick Bostrom here:
♾️ Hosted by Liv Boeree
♾️ Produced & Edited by Raymond Wei
♾️ Audio Mix by Keir Schmidt
#WinWinPodcast #winwin