Over the last year, podcasts have exploded in popularity, becoming a powerful marketing tool. Podcasts are a great way to engage with and build your customer base, but starting one can seem like a huge undertaking. That's exactly why we invited Hala Taha, host of the Young and Profiting podcast and founder of YAP media, back to the show. She joins Donald Miller to coach you through developing a podcast strategy from start to finish. Hala also reveals which social platform you and your business need to be utilizing to increase engagement and strengthen your customer base.
Find out more about Hala's Young and Profiting podcast and YAP Media at YoungAndProfiting.com/Yap-Media.
Join Don and Tyler Ginn, Business Made Simple's VP of Sales & Marketing, for a Live Coaching Q&A on How to Drive Sales Using Social Media, Thursday, November 18th. Business Made Simple members get free access! If you're not a Business Made Simple member, go to BusinessMadeSimple.com and subscribe TODAY to get access. In the upcoming livestream you'll get a 5-step plan showing you how to use social media to actually grow revenue for your business. Plus, Don and Tyler will be answering your social media questions LIVE throughout the event. Go to BusinessMadeSimple.com, subscribe today and join us for the livestream Q&A on November 18th!
If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to MyBusinessReport.com, fill out the assessment and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to MyBusinessReport.com right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.
Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.