Episode description
Why do leaders fail?
It’s not because they don’t know what they’re doing. It’s usually because they’ve failed to listen to and develop their staff. They’ve failed to respect and communicate well with them. Basically, they’ve failed at people skills.
To help us master the fine art of people skills, Lee Cockerell, the former Executive VP of Operations for Disney, joins Donald Miller on this episode of the Building a Story Brand podcast.
Lee built his sterling career by focusing on people, and in this conversation, he shares five major takeaways we can all use to help our teams grow -- and see our businesses grow as a result.
***PLUS! A BONUS SEGMENT*** Just in time for the Masters tournament this week, Donald talks with professional golfer Ryan Moore about what it’s like to play the Masters and what makes its unique brand of tradition and excellence so special. Don’t miss it!
Get the worksheet that goes along with this episode at http://buildingastorybrand.com/38 to help you apply what you learned in the interview to your business.