Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Research Associate at NOAA's NSSL. He was previously an Emergency Manager for almost a decade. He's also previously worked for Kansas State University and even briefly worked in city government. David Hogg, welcome to the show.
Our second Guest WeatherBrain is the Program Lead for Warn-on-Forecast, a position created in 2020. Growing up in Oklahoma City sparked his passion for convective storms, and he attended the University of Oklahoma and worked as a student at NSSL where he helped improve algorithms that detect mesocyclones in thunderstorms using radar data. He also participated in several field programs, including the Sub-VORTEX outing on May 3, 1999. Patrick Burke, welcome to the show.
Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here:
Web Sites from Episode 986:
Picks of the Week:
David Hogg - Disaster Aid Programs For Farms
Patrick Burke - Egyptian Meteorological Authority
James Aydelott - Under Every Tombstone: Sherman Levine
Jen Narramore - Out
Rick Smith - Out
Neil Jacobs - Out
Troy Kimmel - Foghorn
Kim Klockow-McClain - Universe Sandbox
Bill Murray - Foghorn
James Spann - Google says AI weather model masters 15-day forecast
The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Bill Murray, Rick Smith, James Aydelott, Jen Narramore, Dr. Neil Jacobs, and Dr. Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating podcast about weather.