This episode of WeatherBrains comes to you live from the NWA Annual Meeting in Irving, Texas.
Former Panelist Aubrey Urbanowicz drops in to chat; it's great to see you again Aubrey!
Kevin Deitsch is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist of NWS St. Louis and drops by to visit with the panelists.
Ken Graham, Director of the NWS, also speaks to panel tonight. Good to see you Ken!
Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here:
Web Sites from Episode 974:
Dual Pol Radar: Side Lobe Contamination
Picks of the Week:
James Aydelott - Foghorn
Jen Narramore - Tales of surviving college football rain delays
Rick Smith - Out
Neil Jacobs - Out
Troy Kimmel - Out
Kim Klockow-McClain - Foghorn
Bill Murray - How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean break? Two Sibling Scientists Found An Answer
James Spann - Dauphin Island Waterspout
The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Bill Murray, Rick Smith, James Aydelott, Jen Narramore, Dr. Neil Jacobs, and Dr. Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating podcast about weather.