Our topic on this episode focuses on the National Weather Service's 2nd Annual National Women's Conference. Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the new MIC for the NWS in Duluth, MN. She was on the planning committee for this year's Annual National Women's Conference and currently works at NWS El Paso. Laren Reynolds, welcome! Also on deck is the Deputy Regional Director and speaker of the Annual National Women's Conference. She's is currently the Meteorologist in Charge for the National Weather Service (NWS) Southern Region Regional Operations Center (SR ROC) in Fort Worth, TX. Jennifer McNatt, welcome. Next on deck is a former NWS El Paso forecaster and current the Senior Forecaster at NWS Atlanta-Peachtree City. She's the newly-minted Warning Coordination Meteorologist in Lubbock, TX. Marissa Pazos, welcome! WeatherBrains also welcomes as Guest WeatherBrain the current Warning Coordination Meteorologist at NWS Mobile. She also the NWS Southern Region Federal Women's Special Emphasis Program Manager. Jessica Chase, welcome to the show! Our Guest Panelist last appeared on show 822 in October 2021. He's the current Lead Forecaster at the NWS El Paso office. Tim Brice, welcome back!