Toloka’s support for Academia: grants and educator partnerships
These are pages leading to them:
00:00 Intro
01:25 Jenny’s path from graduating in ML to a Data Advocate role
07:50 What goes into the labeling process with Toloka
11:27 How to prepare data for labeling and design tasks
16:01 Jenny’s take on why Relevancy needs more data in addition to clicks in Search
18:23 Dmitry plays the Devil’s Advocate for a moment
22:41 Implicit signals vs user behavior and offline A/B testing
26:54 Dmitry goes back to advocating for good search practices
27:42 Flower search as a concrete example of labeling for relevancy
39:12 NDCG, ERR as ranking quality metrics
44:27 Cross-annotator agreement, perfect list for NDCG and Aggregations
47:17 On measuring and ensuring the quality of annotators with honeypots
54:48 Deep-dive into aggregations
59:55 Bias in data, SERP, labeling and A/B tests
1:16:10 Is unbiased data attainable?
1:23:20 Announcements
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Podcast design: Saurabh Rai: