Episode description
Connecting renewable projects to the grid is often a technical and administrative labyrinth, with long wait times for connection approval and the deadline of clean power by 2030 fast approaching - time is of the essence. Today we explore the challenges of integrating projects, from local distribution networks to large-scale transmission systems, and highlights the pivotal role of reforms and collaboration in ensuring the UK meets its energy goals.
Catherine Cleary, Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor and Joe Colebrook Head of Grid Connections at Innova join Ed Porter for today’s episode. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:
The grid connection process from both a commercial and an engineering perspective.
Exploration of different approaches between transmission and distribution networks.
What an ideal outcome for connections reform might look like.
An introduction to the ‘connection pots’ concept in the Clean Power 2030 plan.
Exemptions, long-term planning and an exploration of the process for amending existing connection agreements.
And much, much more.
About our Guests
Catherine Cleary – Specialist Connections Engineer at Roadnight Taylor.
Catherine brings expertise in the technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of grid connections at both distribution and transmission levels. With experience analyzing over 500 projects, her deep knowledge of grid codes, constraints, and connection innovations ensures clients achieve safe, cost-effective outcomes.
Roadnight Taylor is a leading consultancy dedicated to achieving timely grid connections, at least cost and risk, to the GB electricity networks. With a focus on decarbonisation and economic growth, in their effort to deploy smart and affordable network solutions.
Joe Colebrook - Head of Grid Connections at Innova.
Joe holds years of experience in grid connections and has helped develop a strong pipeline of solar and energy storage assets, including co-located sites.
Innova’s mission is to create utility-scale renewable energy projects using multi-technologies, to provide clean energy to communities and businesses both directly and indirectly, and to take large energy users off-grid whilst meeting or exceeding our environmental obligations.
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Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.
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