Today, we’re delighted to welcome Mark Rzepczynski onto the show to discuss his time working with John W. Henry and what J. W. Henry’s ‘secret weapon’ was, the most effective way to gain downside protection, how to overcome behavioural biases in investing, how diversification can reduce profitability during huge trends, how to effectively make the case for Trend Following to potential investors, where returns dispersion among CTAs is stemming from, and one of our favourite topics: how many markets in a portfolio is too many?
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And you can get a free copy of my latest book “Ten Reasons to Add Trend Following to Your Portfolio” here.
Learn more about the Trend Barometer here.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:14 – Macro recap from Niels
02:53 – Weekly review of performance
05:55 – Niels: Can you tell us about your journey to where you are today?
10:24 – Niels: Do you think John Henry’s success in sports can be partly down to his previous Trend Following methodologies?
12:18 – Niels: How do think we as humans overcome our behavioural biases in investing?
14:32 – Moritz: To what extent do systematic CTAs need laser-like focus, compared to others?
17:57 – Moritz: How did the day-to-day business of John W. Henry run?
21:00 – Niels: What led to John W. Henry eventually dissolving his firm, and what have leading CTAs today, who have been around since then, done right to still be successful?
29:02 – Moritz: How many markets in a trading system are too many?
42:06 – Niels to Moritz: How do you really benefit from