Special guest, Harold de Boer of Transtrend, joins us on the show today to discuss why the recent returns disparity among CTAs might be good for the industry, the benefits of investing in more than one Trend Following fund, if the term ‘machine learning’ should be considered as a marketing ploy, what makes a strategy robust, why unsupervised ‘black box’ strategies may be riskier than more traditional strategies, how much the markets have changed over time, some thoughts on volatility targeting, and how CTAs can differentiate themselves in the eyes of investors.
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And you can get a free copy of my latest book “Ten Reasons to Add Trend Following to Your Portfolio” here.
Learn more about the Trend Barometer here.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:18 – Macro recap from Niels
03:14 – Weekly review of performance
06:56 – Niels: What do you make of the huge returns dispersion of CTAs during the recent market crash?
14:14 – Niels: What causes managers to have similar results?
16:42 – Moritz: Is the adoption of Machine Learning & AI more than just a marketing ploy?
25:58 – Niels: How CTAs differentiate themselves from each other, in the eyes of investors?
28:57 – Niels: Why are investors usually least invested in Trend Following strategies around the time when they need it most?
30:00 – Moritz: What is the Transtrend story?
33:14 – Moritz: How do you use synthetic markets?
35:08 – Niels; Why have you decided to lower the amount of markets you trade?
38:36 – Niels; How do you avoid taking on too much counter party risk?
45:49 – Moritz: How do you approach market...