This week, we discuss the reliability of Fundamental Analysis sell rules versus Trend Following sell rules, the so-called ‘Quant winter’ that systematic funds are supposedly in, whether there is a clear definition of Value Investing, the ability of CTAs to offer Investors exposure to less popular markets, the differences between Trend Following and Technical Analysis, and how much of past performance can be considered as a reliable indicator for the future. Questions we cover include: Do you have to be a coder, or hire one, to be a successful Trend Follower? What do you do when you have more signals than available capital? When adding new securities to your Trading Universe, do you resize current positions to accommodate? Is a stock in motion, more likely to stay in motion?
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And you can get a free copy of my latest book “Ten Reasons to Add Trend Following to Your Portfolio” here.
Learn more about the Trend Barometer here.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:47 – Macro recap from Niels
04:19 – Weekly review of performance
18:39 – Top Tweets
55:34 – Keith; Questions 1/2: What is the name of Jerry’s bird? What do you do when you have more signals than capital available? When adding new markets to a system, do you resize existing trades to accommodate?
01:03:10 – Neil; Question 3: If a stock is moving or flat, is it likely to continue in the same form?
01:09:11 – Mike; Question 4: What are the differences between Trend Followers & Technical Analysts?
01:13:02 – Andrew; Question 5: Is long-only Trading on Forex recommended?
01:16:46 – George; Question 6: Do you have to be a coder (or hire one), to be a successful Trend Follower?
01:27:37 – Benchmark