SI130: Volatility-Targeting: The Big Debate ft. Jerry Parker & Rob Carver
Episode description
We have a special episode for you today featuring Turtle Trading legend Jerry Parker and renown Systematic Investor Robert Carver, who debate the topic of Volatility Targeting and how actively one should manage open trade equity risk. We also discuss the benefits of ‘Hybrid Trend Following’ versus classical Trend Following, breakouts & moving averages versus other trend indicators, whether the 2020 market crash should have caused systematic investors to update their strategies, and if short positions should still have a place in today’s Trend Following portfolios.
In this episode, we discuss:
- The level of active-management that should be involved in controlling open trade equity risk
- The benefits and drawbacks of volatility-targeting
- Modern Trend Following methods compared to classical Trend Following
- The 2020 ‘Covid Crash’ and its possible long-term effects on systematic investing
- How important are short positions in a rules-based portfolio?
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And you can get a free copy of my latest book “Ten Reasons to Add Trend Following to Your Portfolio” here.
Learn more about the Trend Barometer here.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:45 – Macro recap from Niels
03:33 – Weekly review of performance
10:10 – Jerry Parker vs Rob Carver debate
53:13 – Q1; Michael: Why do you prefer breakouts & moving average cross-overs to other signals?
56:58 – Q2; Rene: Do have preferred methods for measuring...