As I have said before & I feel bears repeating, life itself is a psychedelic experience & for each of us, the ability of us to explore psychedelic states in otherwise sober states of reality can differ depending upon our ability to tune into the subtle energies & frequencies around us. For some of us, we are born with a deeper connection to these subtleties & frequencies & today on the show, I will be talking to an amazing woman who not only has been able to access these subtle energies & frequencies for the entirety of her life & act as a channel for them, but has also been called to serve others in the way of translating the information within these frequencies to allow them to peak behind the veil, discover new aspects of their lives & life as a whole through helping them to de-program the ego & tune into the quantum field & have the opportunity to gain closure in situations where loved ones who have passed on come through to relay information to her through her mediumship work.
About Mary
I am a highly sensitive being here to assist soul's as they journey this earth plane. I utilize my channel to translate frequencies (information) to those who sit before me. i am a witness to your journey to discover your true self. I interpret this plane, this existence on earth, with information from the quantum field and subtle energies. Automatic reception of this information (these frequencies) occur by way of my clair senses. Mediumship is a modality that is used as well, but it is dependent on if the passed loved ones or ancestors are called to come through and if that consciousness is for the highest good of the client and thereby all. The process of interpretation and translation of this information is what I have been mastering since I can remember.
The abilities have always been with me. My process with it has been deeply internal, privately held & protected between my guidance system and I for the majority of my life. The time eventually came where I was directed to commit fully to the work. So, here I am.
Connect with Mary
Instagram: @somethin.about.mary
Thank you to Freedom Builderz for Making this Podcast Possible!
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.