When we take a second to contemplate upon the idea of psychedelic & plant medicines, one thing that can be objectively said regarding them is that in one way or another, they will allow us to explore the edges of the human experience when we go into our experiences with them. For some of us, such as todays guest on the show, exploring these edges can give us great solace in life in the understanding that it is in riding the edges of our human experience that we can not only grow, but that we can push the boundaries of who we think we are & in doing so, dare to question everything we think we know about ourselves in place of what source has in store to show us about ourselves. Sharing his time, wisdom & experience with us today on the show is a gentleman who, like I mentioned previously, has made it his mission in life to ride these edges & help others do the same in a fashion that can allow them to cultivate a deeper sense of who they are in the world than they ever thought previously was possible. He is a retired Joint Task Force Sniper, is the producer behind the wildly amazing documentary “Post Traumatic Growth”, which is a deep dive into the mysteries behind trauma & viewing adversity as an art form that can actually help bring us closer together, rather than tear us apart, like the mainstream narrative surrounding this subject would like us to believe. In addition, he is also the Chief Course Architect behind the “Special Forces Experience” project, which builds upon the information laid out in the “Post Traumatic Growth” documentary by allowing people to have a first hand, direct experience of intentional post traumatic growth stemming from riding the edges of the human experience & in todays episode, we will be diving into his experiences with psychedelic medicines, the through line he has found between the edges these medicines allow us to ride & the ability to have a similar experience through his work in the Special Forces Experience project he leads people through & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(3:41) How Jeff got interested in Psychedelics.
(11:00) The feeling of rebellion that comes from being lied to about psychedelics, left vs right brain and the beauty of not knowing.
(30:00) Check out FreedomBuilderz.com!
(32:15) Surviving vs thriving and the hero’s journey.
(46:30) Allowing yourself to experience more in life.
(1:02:00) Cannabis being a great healer and optimizer and not getting addicted to your comfort patterns.
(1:20:00) Understanding no one is perfect, dealing with trauma is just apart of the experience of life and finding the best version of yourself.
(1:35:30) Where listeners can find Jeff.
(1:37:05) Jeff’s final piece of advice for listeners!
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.