For me & I imagine many of you listening to this show right now, I felt as though I didn’t fit into the world around me for a long time. Looking back in hindsight, it wasn’t that I objectively did not fit in, but rather, it was the feeling of not wanting to fit in to a broken system that led to me feeling flawed for so much of my young life. When we’re young, we lack the life experience & self awareness to accept ourselves for who we truly are in many cases & instead, look to the world around us to determine who we feel we should be & I truly feel this is one of the challenges we all go through in one way or another as we grow older & choose to individuate into the fullest expression of our authentic selves. Stopping by to share his experiences in the world of psychedelics with us today is a man who knows this fore mentioned challenge all too well. From a very young age, he was diagnosed with a brain atrophy which led to 30 percent of his brain not working properly & a subsequent diagnosis of autism. The result of this was that doctors told his parents that he should be sent away to a specialized home & essentially forgotten about & deemed unfit for society, however, his mother never gave up on him. She worked tirelessly with him to allow him to integrate into society & because of that, he was able to not only move through life successfully, have meaningful relationships & be a productive member of society, but he was also able to get himself to a point through therapy where he is no longer considered to have autism & with the help of psychedelics, he was able to further remediate his brain & experience of life into one that is not only great & grand, but is also fulfilling & in todays episode, we will be diving into his experiences with these medicines, his experiences using psychedelics to foster deeper connection in his life & much, much more.
Noah Vilgrain
My name is Noah Vilgrain. I was born with a brain atrophy which affected thirty percent of my brain to be useless. The doctors told my parents, I would never talk, be intelligent or have meaningful relationships with anyone. They told my parents I should be sent to a home and forgotten about. My mother never gave up on me and worked with me so that I could be able to live somewhat of a normal life. As it turns out my brain has the amazing capacity to heal itself. So throughout my entire life I went from one end of the spectrum to the other. After years of therapy and always working hard, I managed to get to the other side where I technically don't have autism. And yet I still have traits, my identity was that of a person with autism and was difficult to navigate who I was. In steps with the wonderful help of psychedelics which taught me how to be myself, how to navigate the world and how I could connect with other people on a much deeper level.
Connect with Noah
IG: @Nobravil
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Show Notes:
(2:57) Challenges Noah faced at a young age.
(11:20) Noah’s introduction into psychedelics.
(19:00) Check out!
(21:00) The benefits of using psychedelics ceremonially and in moderation.
(27:40) When Noah realized he was able to integrate his psychedelic experiences into every day life.
(40:00) Noah’s Ayahuasca experience.
(1:08:30) Where you can find Noah!
(1:20:00) Noah’s final piece of advice.
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