When we look back in antiquity, our ancestors all had some sort of ritual practice. For me, having a daily ritual practice allows me to have time with myself, by myself, to become still & check in as to how my energy feels each particular day & from that information, I know how to plan my day ahead. In addition, these daily rituals help bring me closer to my innate nature, which I believe is pure awareness witnessing this experience we call life & as such, these rituals allow me to remember who & what I truly am before the challenges of the day present themselves & have the opportunity to throw me off of my center. Todays returning guest on the show is a man who as soon as I met, I was blown away at the incredible amount of knowledge & wisdom he holds surrounding the subjects of shamanism, spirituality, emotional awareness, plant medicines, health & well being & much, much more. In this episode, we will be picking up where we left off & diving into the idea of rituals, why they are important, what his tips are for those of you out there looking to establish a ritual practice in your life & whatever else the divine wills into action within this epic heart & soul flow we will be embarking upon today.
Show Notes:
(4:01) The significance of ritual in plant medicine usage.
(14:35) Check out FreedomBuilderz.com!
(16:57) Imagine the reality YOU want!
(27:35) Spirituality just means to breathe, and language is important.
(35:05) All about LOVE.
(49:54) Join the Connect With Cannabis program today! https://calendly.com/highlyoptimized/connect-with-cannabis-discovery-call?month=2022-06
(1:05:21) Join the Highly Optimized Ceremony Circle:
(1:17:07) Where you can reach Jason!
(1:17:36) One final question for Jason…
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.