One of the most profound things about hosting this show is having the opportunity to see myself & the experiences I’ve had with psychedelics reflected back to me & expanded upon by my guests. I imagine someone listening right now knows exactly what I mean when I say some of these experiences are so unique & awe inspiring that you end up believing you’re the only one that would understand it, only to then have someone else share a similar experience that immediately validates you & brings you closer to that individual as, in a way, youve moved through a shared experience with him/her & they are able to, in many cases, fill in the “missing links” like puzzle pieces waiting to be assembled, for the full impact of your experiences to be understood & integrated. Todays guest on the show is someone who when I first met & we recorded an episode on the Highly Optimized podcast, I was able to notice these types of occurrences happening both in our passions/hobbies in life & the brief conversation we had surrounding plant medicines & psychedelics. This being said, I am beyond excited to dive back in with him today to have the opportunity to gift this type of experience I’ve laid out here to any of you listening who may be able to fill in the missing pieces required to be able to access the full impact of your plant medicine experiences & life experiences as a whole. He is the host of the “ascension of the chessman” podcast, is someone who is passionate the topics of philosophy, psychology & spirituality, to name but a few & is someone who as soon as you meet, you will be able to notice his warm energy & zest for life, which allow him to be a battery charger for the world at large.
Show Notes:
(04:12) Podcasting with other podcasters.
(6:28) Helping people understand cannabis.
(14:14) Integrating Cannabis.
(17:21) The EGO.
(20:12) Check out the Connect With Cannabis Program!
(27:50) The importance and significance of plant medicine.
(44:10) Check out Freedom Builderz!
(46:23) Interacting with plant medicines, and the lessons learned.
(1:01:45) Join the Highly Optimized Ceremony Circle!
(1:02:59) Why Meditation?
(1:05:50) Where to reach Andre!
(1:07:49) One FINAL Question...
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.