One of the main aspects that I believe can stand in the way from having a positive plant medicine experience, even when the experience is challenging, is our overall level of health & vitality before we enter the experience. I have found that many of the clients I have worked with to help integrate their plant medicine experiences who had a challenging experience & were unable to anchor themselves afterwards were lacking in healthy habits surrounding physical, emotional, mental & spiritual well being. Jumping down the rabbit hole with us today on the show is a juggernaut in the realms of holistic health, fitness & well being who, in addition, is a proponent of plant medicines & has benefitted from their presence within his life. In todays episode, we will be exploring the journey he has undergone to be able to intertwine these realms, what his personal practices are regarding food & exercise in the plant medicine space, what his biggest takeaways from these experiences have included & much, much more!
Show Notes:
(0:01) Intro & Christian’s intro to Psychedelics.
(13:35) Insightful mushroom experiences & erasing the stigma.
(20:50) DMT journeys.
(32:20) Join our community!
(33:35) Having the tools to deal with different stages.
(39:26) How psychedelics help unlock freedom.
(44:13)Making the right food choices.
(50:38) MDMA & helpful tips when on certain medicines.
(1:02:56) Outro & One last question.
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.