I imagine I speak for all of you currently listening to this show when I say that some of the most awe inspiring, passion fueling & love creating experiences I have been fortunate enough to have within my life have been a result of sitting in ceremony with plant medicines. This being said, I have found that when I have had these experiences with my partner, a whole new world of depth into these areas & more becomes available. The ability to see one another for who we truly are as divine beings embodied into physical flesh & have a good cosmic giggle on this notion has been some of the memories I can think back on that have allowed her & I to grow so much closer. In addition, taking these enhanced states of passion & love & creating the most intimate love making sessions is yet another way we have been able to grow closer not only as lovers, but also as best friends who are choosing to experience this magical ride of life together. As I imagine you could tell by that juicy buildup, my beautiful partner is returning to the show today to dive back into the rabbit hole of plant medicines with me & all of you & illuminate the potential to unlock heightened states of awareness, such as passion, creativity & love, within the plant medicine space. She is freshly back from her latest Goddess Getaway retreat, where she led ten women on a journey of death & rebirth into the outdated identities they were yearning to release & the new identities they were looking to embody in their place & within this episode, we will be discussing the role plant medicines have played in her unlocking her full potential, how they’ve helped us grow closer to one another, the mystical experiences we’ve had together & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(3:55) Ryan talks about his understanding of integration.
(4:50) Rachel catches us up on what's been going on since her last appearance on the show.
(13:00) Join our Facebook community.
(17:25) Rachel gives her thoughts on visualizing.
(20:15) POWER vs. FORCE.
(21:51) Rachel talks about the dynamic and the change in their relationship.
(25:24) A turning point in the relationship.
(27:55) Rock bottom moments.
(31:57) How Ryan and Rachel met.
(36:06) Connect with Cannabis... LEARN MORE!
(39:10) Rachel talks about awareness.
(42:20) Intention & Integration.
(48:09) Ryan asks Rachel a very deep question on how psychedelics have helped her.
(50:42) How have psychedelics helped you sexually?
(1:04:45) Where you can find Rachel.
(1:08:24) OUTRO.
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.