If there is one thing I have noticed within the world at large & more specifically, the realm of plant medicines, it is that we have many elders, but have lost much of the wise elders of the world. In ancient societies & even today in small circles, these wise elders would help the rest of their tribe understand the process of life & in the realm of plant medicines, act as guides that would protect those that were looking to traverse these worlds & allow them to understand the ceremonial aspects that go along with them. The beauty of this is that, as the famous quote states, “how you do anything is how you do everything.” What these wise elders would allow the younger generations to understand & embody is that every single aspect of our lives can be ceremonial in nature & when life is engaged in in this way, life becomes a psychedelic experience in & of itself. Today’s guest on the show is someone who has been doing his part as a wise elder to re-educate the countless coaches & individuals he works with in how to make every aspect of their lives a ceremony & has been a juggernaut in the world of making this process one which is enjoyable & joyous in nature. Not only this, but he is also an extremely skilled shaman & has been a proponent of the responsible, conscious use of plant medicines since far before the explosion of popularity in recent times regarding these medicines. In addition, he is the founder & legendary voice & soul behind the CHEK institute, which has been empowering coaches in the teachings of holistic health & how to understand HOW to learn, rather than the typical approach in modern day educational establishments, which is primarily based on WHAT to learn, for the last 26 years, is the host of the Living 4d podcast, where he showcases in depth, powerful conversations with leading experts in the realms of health, fitness, spirituality, plant medicines & more with the intention of bringing the uncensored truth of the world at large to the people & is someone that I as well as countless others have looked up to as a massive inspiration in our never ending quest of curiosity, child like wonder of the world around us & how to remember our divine nature as god embodied in the human form.
Show Notes:
(3:40) Ryan Asks Paul about how he first got interested in the idea of plant medicines.
(7:20) Paul talks about being introduced to DMT
(14:00) Paul talks about growing up
(23:09) Paul asks about the setting and the dosage.
(24:07) Paul talks about his experiences with LSD
(26:57) Paul talks about carrying an “entity” with him
(37:07) Paul talks about what can go wrong in a ceremony
(39:37) Ryan talks about setting intentions
(40:57) Paul gives his answer as to what REALLY is going on here.
(50:27) Paul talks about WHY we’re here
(53:02) Paul talks about the evolving soul.
(56:37) Paul talks about entering different realms
(60:07) Paul talks about Love
(66:52) Paul talks about Kung FU
(68:07) Paul talks about compassion
(78:11) Ryan asks Paul what he thinks humanity needs in order to evolve.
(89:56) Paul talks about how he sees the world
(96:26) Paul talks about religious systems
(98:09) Paul speaks about the point of plant medicines
(104:56) Pauls advice for someone seeking to try psychedelics for the first time.
ChekInstitute.com living4dwithPaulChek. Chekiva.com
Private workshops penny@paulchek.com
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.