If the title alone of this show hasn’t told you enough, I have long been curious about the realms of plant medicine, how shamans work within these realms & how to consciously & intentionally interact with these medicines in order to receive the highest quality, safest & most effective experiences possible. This quest has allowed me to embark upon a truly deep, fascinating &, at times, challenging journey into the teachings, philosophies & direct experiences themselves surrounding these subjects. When I find others who are on this same quest, I find myself more often than not feeling as though we have known each other before, almost as if we are repeating & doubling down on a quest we may not have finished to our liking in a previous lifetime. Today’s guest is someone who when I was first introduced to through a mutual friend, gave me that exact feeling & allowed me to once again feel more rooted & on track in my expedition into these mystical areas of the experience we know & refer to as “life.” He is a master energy worker, a plant medicine guide, a facilitator of practices such as breathwork & meditation &, most importantly, someone who is ever curious about life while releasing the need to “know” anything. As a result, his mind is open, his heart is steady & his spirit is ready for whatever life gifts him within his experience of life. Within this episode, we will be diving into to his experiences, what called him into the work he is currently doing, some tips for anyone curious about exploring the realm of plant medicines & much, much more!
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.