Often times on this podcast, I have individuals on who are such a WEALTH of incredible information that all of it just won’t fit into one episode. This being said, one of my favorite things to do is to have these guests come back on for a round two & continue our adventure down the rabbit hole together where we can pick up where we left off & get into other juicy subjects surrounding plant medicines such as consciousness, what they feel the “meaning” of life is & other subjects which allow the gift of being able to open & stretch our minds & hearts with the intention of adding more substance, awareness & possibility to our experience of life as a whole. Today’s returning guest is one of my absolute favorite souls to conversate with as his understanding of the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual planes of existence allows for a well rounded, full spectrum conversation that can include references & examples that allow who ever is listening to be able to relate the subjects & ideas we will be speaking about back to their own life for maximum benefit & understanding.
This episode was produced at the Mass Music Radio Station in Quincy, Massachusetts.