When it comes to plant medicines & psychedelics, one of the greatest strengths one can have is being able to stay calm, cool & collected in the thick of it. The ability to stay low & slow with your breathing keeps the challenging thoughts at bay & can keep one in a sense of “control”, for lack of a better term, as they are brought farther & farther out in their journey. Today’s guest is no stranger to remaining calm in the face of adversity. He is a professional fighter in the UFC who has made a living out of the very things so many fear & in the process, has gone through countless plant medicine journies that have only strengthened his ability to be the eye in the figurative storm of life. Not only this, but he’s also absolutely hilarious & you can all expect to enjoy a few rib cracking laughs with us today as we’re recording in person & are beyond excited to share our energy with all of you.
This episode was produced at the Mass Music Radio Station in Quincy, Massachusetts.