For me, psychedelic medicines have truly assisted me in waking up to the truth of who I am & as a result of these experiences, I have been able to find the people, places & passions that are truly meant for me & one of those individuals is todays guest on the show. We met recently at an amazing music festival called “Confluence” which was centered around the total solar eclipse that took place back in April & as soon as we met, I could tell we were soul brothers from other mothers. From working in tech & designing video games, to rediscovering his love for his heritage & tapping into various eastern medicine healing modalities, such as acupuncture, it’s safe to say that for any of you who have been challenged in finding your way & finding the approval of family members & friends alike, that this episode is going to allow you to recognize that no matter what challenge you’re going through, that these challenges are only being experienced by you to shape you for your purpose in life.
Show Notes:
(00:42) Charlie’s bio.
(02:34) Where the journey began.
(18:46) Confluence Festival.
(21:05) What psychedelics do well.
(27:38) Society has a virus…
(57:58) Where to reach Charlie!
(59:41) One final question…
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.