Many of you reached out after Dr Teshnas episode a few weeks back & we’re sharing with me how excited you’ve been to discover her, attend her weekly forgiveness ceremonies & begin to reprogram your subconscious minds & even though we covered a LOT of ground in that episode, there were SO many more aspects of her work that I had questions about & as such, I wanted to have her back on to discuss the concept of vanishing twins & some telltale signs that you may have had one, what she’s seen with regards to working with generational trauma, conditions such as psychosis & schizophrenia & much, much more. So, strap yourselves in for another deep dive into the realm of subconscious reprogramming & creating the necessary space within us to live our best lives as I welcome the one, the only, Dr Teshna Beaulieu back onto the show!
Show Notes:
(2:25) An update from Dr. Teshna!
(05:19) Working with the right people.
(09:40) The vanishing twin story.
(18:48) “Fit For Love”
(28:40) Self muscle test.
(34:09) Dr. Teshna’s modality.
(44:29) Working with Plant Medicines.
(52:02) Where you can reach Dr. Teshna!
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.