To be honest, this past year has been an absolutely wild year & SO many people I know have been experiencing a LOT of ups, downs & all arounds, however, if I could describe this year in a few words it would be that this year has been the most massive amount of gained self awareness I have ever experienced & in this weeks episode, we dive in with a great friend of mine & returning guest who, along with being a 2 time best selling author who just finished his 6th book, Overcome the Overwhelm, is a man who is open & honest in this episode regarding the awareness he has gained through plant medicine experiences that illuminated for him the pattern of “go go go” he was in & the process of breaking this pattern, relaxing more, trying less & realizing the power in reclaiming his energy & bandwidth within his life. This episode is near & dear to my heart as I too have come to this realization over the past year & as such, we wanted to share this information with all of you in the case that you’ve been feeling like we have over the past year with regards to slowing down to speed up.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Sam Kabert’s Bio.
(2:29) An update from Sam.
(11:25) Social media, posting and taking breaks.
(23:50) Taking control of your actions.
(29:36) Using psychedelics.
(39:45) Writing his book.
(50:46) Where you can reach Sam!
(01:02:20) One final question…
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.