I imagine for anyone listening to this show right now, we can all agree that the world is going through some monumental shifts. Whether it be in healthcare, spirituality, finance, technology, or any other facet of life, it is clear that we are living during a period that can increase massive awareness in each of us. This being said, many are stuck in old programs of fear & are unknowingly buying into the belief that things are “worse than ever” when, in reality, as you will hear this week's guest & I speak about today, it’s not that things are worse than ever, it’s that we as a society are becoming more aware than we ever have in recent history. Today's guest is a returning guest & dear brother of mine who has been actively practicing medicine work & shamanistic practices for over 20 years in the jungles of Peru & is one of my all-time favorite human beings. Take a ride with us as we dive into the current state of the world & why we choose to believe that the future is extremely bright in all ways as I welcome my man Hamilton Souther back onto the show!
Show Notes:
(0:42) Hamilton’s Bio.
(02:20) An update from Hamilton!
(06:16) The idea of a “Mastermind”.
(11:20) Changes that have been noticed over the years.
(15:45) The connection with nature.
(28:51) History & propaganda.
(37:02 Past vs. future.
(46:00) Programming and manipulation.
(01:12:11) Where you can reach Hamilton!
(01:14:09) Quick advice from Hamilton.
About Hamilton
Hamilton is a visionary leader, speaker, author, and renowned master shaman. He is the Founder of Blue Morpho and Co-Founder of FullStock, LiquidEarth, and Landslide. He is a pioneer in Amazonian Shamanism, Web3, and NFTs.
Connect with Hamilton
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamiltonsouther/channel/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hamiltonsoutherofficial/
Check us out at Highlyoptimized.me
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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