Alrighty guys, so for any of you out there who, along with being psychedelic & plant medicine proponents, would also describe yourselves as “health nuts”, boy do I have a surprise for you. Today's guest on the show is a man who has made a career out of being "the certified health nut" &, in addition, has been an avid voice & proponent behind the conscious consumption of plant medicines for healing, awakening & transformation. In this episode, we dive into an epic riff about his early years in the psychedelic scene, getting caught with LSD, his experiences with Ibogaine & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Troy Casey’s Bio.
(02:59) When and how psychedelics came into Troy’s life.
(06:31) Taking LSD as a 14-year-old.
(56:18) Where you can connect with Casey!
(59:02) One final question…
About Troy
Troy Casey, a certified health enthusiast and renowned life coach, is a leading authority on longevity. With over 8 years living among Amazon Rainforest tribes and exploring healing methods worldwide, he's dedicated to restoring the planet. Troy combines expertise in sacred plants, Vipassana Meditation, Ashtanga Yoga, and training at the CHEK Institute. His success in restoring balance, featured in global media, stems from a vision for a healthier planet and individual well-being. Following Troy's methods empowers you to conquer your goals at the highest level.
Connect with Troy
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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