What’s up fam?!
This is a bonus, super special episode that is part two of a 3 part series called the “Holy Shit, What The Fuck” series.
In this series, my buddy Brandon Thomas, who is the host of the Expanding Reality Podcast & was recently on the show, the team over at the Legitbat podcast & others dove in with Brandon “One Stupid Fuck” Joe Williams.
For those that haven’t heard of Brandon, he is a sovereignty expert & trust me when I say that diving into his work will be one of the deepest psychedelic experiences of your life.
To find parts 1&3, head over to the Expanding Reality & Legit Bat podcasts where you can each & please spread this information with anyone & everyone you care about as it is about time we all took the idea of “freedom”, redefined it & put it into action.
Sending you all my love!
About Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas is a seeker, philosopher, musician, rancher, avid idea hunter
and Lover OF all things Fascinating. He has a long-term obsession with
interesting people and out there ideas. Some of his topics of interest include
Philosophy, Spirituality, UFOs, Aliens, Nature, Animals, Learning, Self
awareness and improvement, Mentorship, Manifestation, Alternate
Perceptions, History, Conspiracies, Music, Movies, Science, Technology,
Astrology, Astronomy, Psychology, Psychedelics, and endless other
Mysterious and powerful Forces and concepts that illuminate the mind with
the possibilities.
Connect with Brandon
Website: https://www.expandingrealitypodcast.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expandingreality369/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4TYaHVJylpDhMGVfELbkZP
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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