Episode 116: Uniting Back Into Source Through Self Realization (feat. Pat Mahan)
Do you ever meet someone who it feels like is in your mind? I have recently been having more & more of these occurences in my life & for me personally, it allows me to experience the psychedelic nature of life, like I often speak about on this show & todays guest is 110% a prime example of this. His mission in life is to help his friends, family & clients learn to live an awakened life through his passion as a self realization mentor. By allowing his clients to move beyond the “I” to discover who & what they truly are, it is safe to say that he is hitting the bullseye on his soul mission to wake up the world around him & in this episode, we dive into an absolutely EPIC heart flow that was completely off the cuff & smooth as butter.
Show Notes:
(0:58) Pat Bio.
(04:01) Building a lens of perception.
(07:26) Separating the ego from the rest of your self.
(20:29) Self-awareness & self realizations…
(38:30) The most profound experiences in Pat’s life.
(59:38) Where you can find Pat!
(01:00:10) One final question…
About Pat Mahan
Pat Mahan is the creator of Like Attracts Like Evolution, a podcast host, and the Self Realization mentor.
Connect with Pat
Website: https://www.likeattractslikeevolution.com/
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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