For me, psychedelic medicines have always been about achieving a higher quality of life & knowing thyself to deeper degrees. It is within knowing all aspects of us & learning to accept ourselves from a place of compassion & love that we can open up the beacon of light that allows us to be a lighthouse for other souls on their journeys. By opening up this ability to be a lighthouse within each of us, we can also open up the opportunity to see ourselves reflected in each person we meet along our journey & enter into a relationship with, whether platonic or romantic in nature. Todays guest on the show is someone who encompasses this lighthouse exquisitely for those he loves most in his life & the world at large. His mission in life, which stems from his own previous challenges within this realm, is to help men take accountability & ownership over their the challenges they experience within their marriages by allowing them to recognize that it is up to them & them alone to love themselves enough to become the men that they, their spouse & the world at large are yearning for them to become & in doing so, also allow women to understand that they too must be dedicated to the same type of self love to ensure that when these two polarities come together, that they can support each other in becoming the king & queen that love has the opportunity to create in each partnership that occurs on earth. He accomplishes this both through his personal work with his clients & also his podcast, “The Married Game” podcast!
Show Notes:
(1:18) Keith’s Bio.
(5:51) How did Keith first become interested in psychedelics?
(18:21) Cannabis can help elevate your senses in many ways.
(18:46) Using the medicine for self awareness and self development.
(34:15) Gummy Bear 19…
(56:19) Keith’s dream job.
(1:02:54) What cannabis teaches us.
(1:03:33) Where you can reach Keith!
(1:05:38) One final question…
About Keith Yackey
Keith Yackey is the founder and creator of When his wife left him 5 years ago he realized that he was the problem and that his wife was no longer attracted to him. Since getting her back, Keith has dedicated his life to teaching men how to get their wives to want to have sex with them again. By doing one simple thing, becoming the most attractive version of themselves.
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.