Shadow work is a term that I imagine any of you listening to this episode can recall hearing, especially in recent times. The idea of parts of us that are left in the shadows, waiting to be reclaimed into the wholeness of our being has been talked about throughout antiquity in various different manners & has been called many different things, yet the idea that these aspects of us exist & are holding within them valuable lessons that when learned, can help us open up new aspects of our lives & ultimate find more fulfillment is something most spiritual practices believe in one way shape or form. Coming back onto the show to dive into the rabbit hole with us a gentleman who since I’ve first met, has quickly become a close brother of mine & whether it’s our “Breathe With Cannabis” events, our long list of mutual passions or deep dives such as this one, we always have an amazing time together. This episode was filmed live when him & I were on a recent trip out west to do some workshops & decided one night at around 830pm to riff on the topic of shadow work & this is what came out. We hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did making it
About Christopher August
Christopher August is on a mission to co-create a more conscious and connected world.
With over 15 years experience in the fields of personal, business and leadership development, he has helped hundreds of people transform their pain into purpose.
As a Transformational Coach, Speaker and Facilitator, his work blends somatic healing practices and intuitive guidance with actionable strategies to help other experience the most free, alive and authentic versions of themselves.
Connect with Christopher August
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.