The world of Cannabis genetics today looks much different than it did even just 5 years ago. With more & more breeders coming forth & more strain selection than ever, I find many people are confused on how to navigate this world & be able to truly understand how to find high quality genetics. Today’s guests on the show are two men who are looking to create the new standard when it comes to unique genetics not seen on the mainstream Cannabis market today. They each have an extensive background in the Cannabis space & have also done & continue to do the work when it comes to ridding themselves of any distortions standing in the way from them being able to show up as their best selves in the highest service possible for their friends, family, clients & the world at large. In this episode, we dive into each of their origin stories before doing a deep dive into the world of Cannabis genetics today, how they came up with the idea for “Green Goblin Seeds”, their newest venture & much, much more.