For men, one of the challenges we face is how to find balance between the polarities of the savage & the saint within us. In order to express as a truly healthy man, we require both of these polarities to be expressed within our experience of life. That being said, in the modern day world, masculine energy is looked at by many to be “toxic” when, in reality, what the world calls “toxic” is not true masculinity whatsoever, but is rather an immature version of it touted as the “real deal.” So with all of that said, where does that leave us men? For me, it leaves us in a confused place in which we require true masculine leaders to emerge & remind the men of the world & the world at large what true, healthy masculine expression looks & feels like & this is exactly why I am SO excited for this weeks podcast guest. He is the founder of “The Savage & Saint Collective”, whereby he mentors men on how to tap into the wholeness of these two polarities in order to add more vitality, excellence & freedom to their lives. This episode is sure to open up some new perspectives for you & allow you to walk away with some real world, actionable steps we can each take, regardless of our gender, to actualize the goal of bringing back true masculinity to the world in a powerful way.
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.