Join mental illness advocates Shaley Hoogendoorn and Hailey Rose for this episode of 'Conversations With'. Hailey shares about her experiences living with bipolar I disorder, psychosis and adhd. Hailey explains in detail her different diagnoses and all the physical symptoms she experiences. Our eyes were opened to many mental health terms. We know it will help so many people better understand these disorders and in turn, break the stigma around them. Hailey's story of survival is riveting and powerful and we feel honoured that Hailey trusted us with her truth. Our greatest hope this is that this episode not only educates but also that it helps others walking a similar path feel seen and valued.
This is bipolar...
* Trigger/Activation warning - discusses suicidal ideation
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Meet Hailey:
Hailey Rose is an advocate for the mental illness community. Hailey lives with bipolar disorder, psychosis, and adhd. She is on a mission to both change society’s understanding of mental illness and provide a welcoming space for others who suffer to let them know they are not alone. Find Hailey @mind.over.mood (backup: @mind.overmood) where she creates powerful, educational and often funny videos describing her experience with mental illness. Her videos can also be found on TikTok @mind.over.mood.
#thisisbipolar #thisisbipolarpodcast #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthpodcast #bipolar #bipolarawareness