We have one of our favourite mental health advocates is back on the pod! Maria Fernandez was our very first ‘conversations with’ guest. Shaley talks with Maria about her ups and downs in her journey with bipolar 2 disorder since last year. Maria vulnerably shares about dual diagnoses and comorbidity and how she experiences these in her everyday life. Maria's story is one of perseverance and inspiration. She offers help and hope to those waling a similar path. We feel honoured that she returned to the podcast to update us on her experiences.
You will also find out how our podcast team is growing!
This is bipolar...
Meet Maria: Maria is a dreamer, the kind of woman who’s imagination delights in museum tours, Broadway productions and salsa dance classes. She is a lover of creativity in all its forms and she finds these pursuits to be her greatest adventures, truest joys and most beloved passions. In addition to these, she is also an advocate for mental illness who has spoken about the realities of her diagnoses at Wraparound Conventions, on the Catholic Radio Network station and at various youth groups. She is a certified Peer Mentor and has been one of the leaders in the DBT mentoring program at Compass Behavioral Health. Maria is passionate about fighting stigma and creating a world of compassion, understanding and love. You can connect with her on her Instagram @maria_bp2_fernandez
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