In this episode on 'Conversations With", mental illness advocate Shaley Hoogendoorn talks to author and psychologist Dr. Ellen Northcott. Dr. Northcott lives with Bipolar Disorder and speaks and writes about her experience in raw and honest way. Her memoir ‘The Chaos of My Mind: A Bipolar Memoir’ gives deep insight into what bipolar depression and mania can look and feel like. She has a unique perspective being a psychologist living with bipolar disorder. Dr. Northcott tells the truth about deep depression, suicidal ideation, suicidal plans and her attempt in order to end stigma around bipolar. I’m so grateful for her work and her willingness to talk about her battle with bipolar disorder. Dr. Northcott's story is one of perseverance and I know will give others the hope and courage to seek help.
This is bipolar...
TW: Talk of suicidal ideations, thoughts and an attempt. Please take care of yourselves.
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Meet Ellen: I am a Clinical Neuropsychologist with bipolar 1 disorder, which I have been navigating for 25 years, only 10 of those medicated. I live in Australia with my husband and 2 beautiful children. I am a published author, at least if you count my bipolar memoir ‘The Chaos of My Mind: A Bipolar Memoir’ and a few scientific papers about epilepsy. I also have an instagram account @bipolar.psychologist where I share informational content about bipolar disorder from the point of view as a medical professional and someone with lived experience.
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