In this episode of 'Conversations With', Shaley Hoogendoorn talks with fellow advocate, Rudy Caseres. Rudy shares openly about his experiences living with bipolar disorder- from symptoms, getting help, stigma and medication to the how becoming a mental health advocate has been a huge part of his healing journey. Rudy also gives advice and words of encouragement to those walking a similar path. His story is one of perseverance and inspiration. We are so grateful for Rudy's voice and his mental health advocacy work. We feel honoured that he shared his story with us, Rudy’s story is not over yet. This is bipolar...
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Meet Rudy: Rudy Caseres is an award-winning mental health advocate, public speaker, and storytelling event host/producer. He has traveled the country delivering keynote presentations, worked with organizations such as the American Association of Suicidology, This is My Brave, Mental Health America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and has hosted various storytelling events in the Los Angeles area. He has hosted live-streams for The Mighty and other organizations since 2016. In 2017, he was named one of The Mighty’s Mental Health Heroes and NAMI California’s Outstanding Peer of the Year. You can connect with him on social media where he is @RudyCaseres.
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