Humans have always been fascinated by the unexplained. Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and, one of the most intriguing unknowns that has captured our imagination for centuries, the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
UFO sightings, crop circles, close encounters with aliens and even abductions have been reported for decades. And until recently, the people making these claims were considered nutjobs. They’d watched too many X-files episodes and had gone bonkers.
But then in 2016, Hillary Clinton went on the Jimmy Kimmel show and told us about UAP’s. Unexplained Aerial Phenomena. Apparently, UAP’s and their potential threat to national security is a topic that’s been discussed behind closed doors for decades. Obama dismissed it as a joke but Clinton pulled the cat out of the bag.
Washington lobbyists Steve Bassett and John Podesta are advocating for the disclosure of government information on unexplained phenomena that could prove the existence of intelligent life outside Earth. This raises the question, what the heck has the government been hiding? Usually, they’re so transparent!
And if the people charged with governing our nations know that UAP’s (who are we kidding…they’re UFO’s) are indeed a threat to national security, it’d be great to know what’s being done about it. We wouldn’t mind knowing if we have distant cousins on another planet or if ET was based on a true story.
Perhaps the nutjobs we wrote off so cavalierly gave UFO’s a bad name. And because it became such a taboo topic, it’s prevented serious scientific study and rational discussion. But surely with technological advances and a bit more openmindedness, we’re at a point now where we’re willing to probe further into the unknown and investigate the few examples of unexplained aerial phenomena that exist.
Things do seem to be changing. Under recent US Navy protocol, navy pilots and sailors will no longer be considered crazy for reporting UAPs. In fact, a recent survey of 62 astronomers found that over 4% of them reported seeing things they could not explain.
And physicist, Enrico Fermi, argued that amongst the 300 billion stars in the galaxy, there could be thousands of intelligent civilisations in the universe.
We’re not alone people. Hillary Clinton told us so.
Perhaps the reason she didn’t get elected was because she promised to release information about Area 51, a secret hub where the US government stores classified information about aliens and UFO’s.
Now if that’s not a killer Hollywood script, we don’t know what is.
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