For decades, scientists have been warning us about climate change. The warnings have been getting more and more urgent -- but we're still falling short of what the science says we need to do.
Today, the stories of climate scientists who have become fed up with not being heard and are taking matters into their own hands.
Some are getting involved in protests and blockades. Others are trying out more experimental ways of sounding the alarm.
Because if science alone isn’t enough to save us… Will scientists on strike do the trick?
Guests: Annie Bond, Peter Kalmus, Karin Xuereb, Bruce Glavovic, Mark Howden
Host: Jo LauderReporter: Nick KilvertSeries Producer: Cheyne AndersonExecutive Producer (audio): Joel WernerExecutive Producer (digital): Clare BlumerSound engineer: Hamish Camilleri
Thanks to Jon Tjhia, Iain White and Tim Smith for their help with this episode.