We’ve all experienced that moment of crippling self-doubt before approaching a woman. What if she laughs at me? What if her friends laugh at me? What if Channel 4 news broadcasts a story on how badly I embarrassed myself in front of a beautiful woman? The reality is that approach anxiety is hardwired into our DNA as a protection mechanism. But by understanding where anxiety comes from and what it means, you can demystify and actually overcome it completely. That is what today’s episode is all ab...
May 06, 2024•29 min•Ep 559•Transcript available on Metacast There is an intrinsic link between core masculine virtues and having women find you attractive. No matter how much game you study, or how many pickup lines you memorize, if you are not fundamentally a masculine man, women aren’t going to feel that base-level desire to be near you. This is a fundamental that so many guys miss, they study game before having grown into a truly masculine man. So to set the record straight, Mark’s taking a deep dive into traditional masculine values that you should a...
May 02, 2024•24 min•Ep 558•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of time is spent on the Unapologetic Man Podcast teaching you to how handle women while they try to test and frame-check you. But something you’re also going to have to deal with out in the nightclubs and bars is other men trying to out-Alpha you. They’re going to try and flex up on you to look superior and get women's attention. But you’re an Unapologetic Man, you’re not going to stand for that, you need to put these would-be Alpha Males back in their place in a way that’s non-reactive an...
Apr 29, 2024•29 min•Ep 557•Transcript available on Metacast During any interaction with a woman, the burden of performance is on you to keep yourself in the masculine position. Many guys relinquish this position without even realizing it by submitting to women's requests. While a woman asking for a favor is not necessarily an implicit frame test, being too quick to perform favors at a woman's request will make her think she’s got control over you. But you can’t just simply refuse to do favors, you’re going to look like a jerk. So in today’s episode, Mark...
Apr 25, 2024•25 min•Ep 556•Transcript available on Metacast Something you MUST learn to deal with if you want to become good with women is frame checks. These are essentially a way for women to test how secure you are as a man. They’ll make comments about your clothes, question why you are doing something, or give you small, seemingly unnecessary criticisms. Most women aren’t even aware they do this, but it’s part of their biological wiring to test for cracks in your armor to see if you are a secure, confident man who’s not going to come easily unpeeled....
Apr 22, 2024•28 min•Ep 555•Transcript available on Metacast The importance of simply feeling good as you move through life cannot be overstated. Maintaining good energy, or good vibrations, will permeate out into every aspect of your day and objectively improve almost every facet of your life. Especially when it comes to your interactions with women! But, life’s hard sometimes, there’s no way around it. So it’s not always easy to maintain good vibrations amidst the inevitable downturns life will bring you. Fortunately, Mark Sing has an incredibly effecti...
Apr 18, 2024•22 min•Ep 554•Transcript available on Metacast In the early stages of talking to a woman, you’re probably trying to make a connection, get her into her emotions, and to open up with you. While these are all good things, a common trap guys find themselves stuck in is becoming the person she uses to complain and download all her issues onto. Not only is it miserable to hang out with someone who constantly complains, but if you become her emotional tampon she’s going to associate you with negative emotions and not be aroused when thinking of yo...
Apr 15, 2024•28 min•Ep 553•Transcript available on Metacast While we’re all working hard to increase our value as men and learn the skill set required to attract the hottest women possible, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just because a woman isn’t literal perfection, you should blow her out and try to get someone better. The reality is we’re humans, and just as you are not perfect, no woman is ever going to be completely perfect either. We have to strike a balance between getting the best woman possible, while also not setting o...
Apr 11, 2024•19 min•Ep 552•Transcript available on Metacast While theory, game, and pickup tips are great topics to learn about, they will only get you so far. This causes many guys get stuck in this limbo where they endlessly educate themselves without putting everything into practice and getting that real-world experience. To effectively get good with women, which is a pre-requisite to getting the girl of your dreams, you need to take ACTION. That’s why in today’s episode Mark’s going to give you a rock-solid game plan that’s going to get you away from...
Apr 08, 2024•23 min•Ep 551•Transcript available on Metacast Guys sometimes find themselves getting blown out by women and they just can’t figure why. They were charismatic and funny, they implemented all the highly effective attraction-building techniques taught on The Unapologetic Man Podcast such as push/pull and the 80/100 rule, but to no avail. What gives? While it is true that your behavior and frame are the biggest factors in building attraction, you still need to meet the basic requirements of physical attractiveness to stand a chance with a woman...
Apr 04, 2024•26 min•Ep 550•Transcript available on Metacast The female mind is a complex and multifaceted machine that observes everything about your behavior including tonality, body language, and confidence which is then used to calculate whether you are attractive or not. Women don’t consciously think about this, it’s just in their nature to observe and assess how much of an alpha you are. It’s our job as men to make sure we demonstrate, in as many ways as possible, that we are champions of the highest order so that women become attracted to us. So in...
Apr 01, 2024•29 min•Ep 549•Transcript available on Metacast The importance of exercise, building muscle, and maintaining healthy body fat levels cannot be overstated. The benefits are insurmountable, from increasing your lifespan and testosterone levels to improving your mood and emotional wellbeing. PLUS, we all know women strongly desire a man with an incredible body. But with so much fluff and broscience out there from fitness influencers, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of contradictory information within the fitness space. Mark’s maintained an incr...
Mar 28, 2024•23 min•Ep 548•Transcript available on Metacast It’s only natural that women have some wariness and apprehension when a dashing unapologetic silverback such as yourself approaches them. They want to make sure they are safe and can be comfortable around you. The problem is most guys lack that ability to power through her initial coldness and present themselves as so relaxed and likable that she can’t help but get attracted to you. The good news is Mark has a bulletproof technique that you can employ immediately that’s going to set that cool, c...
Mar 25, 2024•24 min•Ep 547•Transcript available on Metacast Life is not about always being perfect; it's about the evolution from someone who is imperfect and highly flawed into someone who operates from virtue and love. Many of us, at one time or another, have been takers, only looking at what we can get out of a situation. And this is okay. Addressing our egoic idiot behavior and embracing love and compassion is part of the journey and isn't something to be sidestepped. In today's episode, Mark recalls his own experience of being in his egoic self and ...
Mar 21, 2024•21 min•Ep 546•Transcript available on Metacast For women, being labeled as promiscuous can have huge ramifications on their reputation and social status. As such most women will try to avoid such stigma by employing their ‘slut defense mechanism’ in which they will try to resist or downplay their sexual desire for you. Less experienced men might misinterpret this as her not being into you, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s simply your job to make her feel comfortable and guilt-free about being with you. In today’s episode, Ma...
Mar 18, 2024•20 min•Ep 545•Transcript available on Metacast There’s no singular trick you can learn to get women, it’s a multi-faceted approach of needing social intelligence, game, and frame control, all of which is underpinned by absolute confidence in yourself and truly believing you are a champion. Today’s mind-bending episode delves into the realm of quantum physics and how simply choosing to perceive yourself in a particular way will actually affect your reality in real-time, also known as the ‘observer effect’ as demonstrated in the infamous doubl...
Mar 14, 2024•22 min•Ep 544•Transcript available on Metacast Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings men can suffer. The person who was once your entire world now seems to not care at all and you don’t even fully understand why she suddenly changed on you. Your instincts are probably to beg for her back. Maybe by sending her 500 messages a day telling her that you can’t live without her, she’s surely going to realize you’re the one for her, right? Sorry brother, it doesn’t work like that, and begging for her back is only going to drive her further away. I...
Mar 11, 2024•21 min•Ep 543•Transcript available on Metacast If you're a member of Mark's coaching program, you'll unlock the ability to effectively attract an unlimited number of women. It's not just about the satisfaction of knowing you can attract any type of woman you desire; having such abundance is incredibly beneficial when seeking a long-term partner. However, it's important to exercise caution because women tend to gossip, and your newfound abundance could potentially earn you a reputation as a playboy in your city. Today’s episode is going to te...
Mar 07, 2024•30 min•Ep 542•Transcript available on Metacast Joe Liverman started The Unapologetic Man podcast along with Mark Sing, and without his knowledge and influence the podcast wouldn’t be where it’s at today. Joe has tragically taken his own life, and today’s episode is in honor of this great man, his achievements, and the qualities that made him a true unapologetic alpha silverback. Mark also discusses the difficult topic of mental health, suicidal thoughts, and what you need to do about it if you are having these thoughts yourself. Joe's memori...
Mar 04, 2024•19 min•Ep 541•Transcript available on Metacast Not all of us are extroverts with a near-infinite social battery that can stay in a noisy nightclub and be entertaining to women all night long. In fact, many men find the whole prospect so tiring they’d rather just stay home instead. If this is you, then don’t worry. Mark has a genius solution that will allow you to attract women with the same competency as even the most extroverted guys, without needing to pretend you're someone you're not. All the answers you are looking for are divulged in t...
Feb 29, 2024•20 min•Ep 540•Transcript available on Metacast If there is a single rule to live by when it comes to dating and attraction, it’s that you cannot bore a woman. Like it or not the burden of performance is on you to keep her attention. One of the best ways to entertain her is through storytelling, not only will telling a great story have her captivated by every word you say, but it’s also the perfect chance to weave in signs of your high-value traits in an organic and authentic way. Like most social skills, storytelling is a skill that can be d...
Feb 26, 2024•17 min•Ep 539•Transcript available on Metacast Today’s special throwback episode revisits one of the most important skills you can have if you want to meet women and arrange dates, TEXTING. Whether you’ve met a girl on a dating app or through cold approach in real life, texting is going to be a vital part of your interaction and the quality of your texting game can make or break her decision to go on a date with you. In this texting masterclass, Mark shares a plethora of extremely effective texting principles so that you can guarantee you’ll...
Feb 22, 2024•28 min•Ep 538•Transcript available on Metacast Your mentality and how you feel about yourself is one of the biggest factors in your ability to be attractive to women. It doesn’t matter how many tricks, one-liners, or gambits you have, nor what car you drive or your godly masculine physique. A lack of confidence in yourself and as a human will negate EVERYTHING and make you wholly unattractive. The reality is if you believe in yourself and understand your value, you don’t even need cars or money to impress her. Today’s episode is going to hel...
Feb 19, 2024•22 min•Ep 537•Transcript available on Metacast Previously on The Unapologetic Man Podcast, Mark discussed how pushing girls away and not being overly needy can be an incredibly powerful attraction-building tool. However, like everything in life, there needs to be balance. If you are too cold and aloof with a woman it will make her lose interest or potentially even make her angry. So you need to show some love too, and in today’s episode, Mark demonstrates how you can show a girl that you like her without coming off as needy, and most importa...
Feb 15, 2024•26 min•Ep 536•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever noticed that the women you want the most and chase the hardest seem to not care at all about you, while the women you don’t pay any attention to end up chasing you instead? This is because when you push a girl away you are demonstrating that you have a myriad of qualities that women find attractive, such as confidence, abundance and a strong frame. In today’s episode Mark discusses how you can utilize this act of pushing a girl away in order to establish yourself as a confident alp...
Feb 12, 2024•23 min•Ep 535•Transcript available on Metacast All great things start as ideas before you put in the work to make them a reality. Without putting active effort into visualizing your plans, goals, and what you want your future to look like you will significantly reduce the chances of them becoming your reality. Visualization is self-fulfilling and will help you significantly on your journey to success. In today’s episode, Mark shares his own experiences and best practices when it comes to using tactical visualization, as well as how it’s help...
Feb 08, 2024•20 min•Ep 534•Transcript available on Metacast Women will both consciously and subconsciously ask you questions designed to specifically test your emotional stability as a man, also known as a frame check. If you become unpeeled and angry at a frame check then she’s going to lose attraction for you because you simply come off as a weak man. So learning to pass frame checks is essential if you want to deal with beautiful women. In today’s episode, Mark shows you how to take these frame checks and flawlessly pass them by reframing their questi...
Feb 05, 2024•20 min•Ep 533•Transcript available on Metacast While you should always armor up your soldier before heading into battle, even the most careful of men can find themselves faced with an STD at some point, particularly if they are very sexually active. If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll need to be transparent with any girl that you’re sleeping with even though it’s a difficult topic to approach due to their inherent stigma. In today’s episode, Mark teaches when to approach this topic during the dating process, the best way to do it ...
Feb 01, 2024•21 min•Ep 532•Transcript available on Metacast As you continue working hard on yourself and start to excel in life, it’s only natural that you confidence is going to start going up. While confidence is great, it can easily lead to an inflated ego which has caused many men to crack and be humbled as the universe has a special way of knocking those men back down to earth. Today’s episode discusses this concept, covering why men start to develop an ego, how it makes them crack, and what you can do to keep everything in check and ensure you don’...
Jan 29, 2024•26 min•Ep 531•Transcript available on Metacast You'll oftentimes hear about how women are attracted to 'bad boys' and how being too nice is actually counterproductive to building attraction. This is a half-truth; it's not the fact that the person is a bad boy that makes him attractive, but rather the specific traits and behaviors that bad boys exhibit that make them attractive. This includes things like confidence, taking the lead, and being disagreeable. In today's episode, Mark shows you how to leverage these qualities by taking control of...
Jan 25, 2024•29 min•Ep 530•Transcript available on Metacast