With the sheer volume of incredible seduction advice you're given here on the Unapologetic Man Podcast, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus on what fundamentally matters in seduction. To help you with this, Mark has distilled the essentials into the 5 C's, which, when followed, cover all of the areas you need to be mindful of to ensure a woman will become attracted to you. There's a bucket load of important information shared in today's episode and whether you're new to seduction or a ve...
Dec 02, 2024•23 min•Ep 619•Transcript available on Metacast Modern media is not shy about telling us how bad masculinity is, claiming that masculine men are toxic or even dangerous. Nothing could be further from the truth, masculinity is one of the most positive traits a man can possess and everything that they claim is toxic in fact has very little to do with masculinity. It's time to set the record straight once and for all. In today's podcast, Mark clears the smoke, corrects the misconceptions, and explains what masculinity actually is and why you emb...
Nov 28, 2024•19 min•Ep 618•Transcript available on Metacast Researching tricks and techniques, theorizing scenarios, and planning clever comebacks do have their place, but they'll only take you so far. The fundamental key to your success comes from practice, practice, practice. You need to be getting in thousands of repetitions talking to girls, flirting with them, and running game. In today's throwback episode, Mark shares everything you need to know about how to start putting your theoretical knowledge into practice and begin mastering your skillset wh...
Nov 25, 2024•23 min•Ep 617•Transcript available on Metacast The number 1 thing you never want to do with a woman is bore her. She wants to have fun and be stimulated, and it's your job to deliver that. If she can't feel relaxed and carefree when she's with you, you can kiss goodbye to any chances of getting her attracted to you. But most of you guys are so uptight and serious, acting like you're attending a job interview to be her boyfriend. You need to learn to relax, have some fun, and banter with her a bit. In today's episode, Mark shares lots of prac...
Nov 21, 2024•19 min•Ep 616•Transcript available on Metacast Women's words are often riddled with subtle nuances and hidden meanings that fly over men's heads. It's unintuitive for us guys to understand as we seek direct and literal communication. How can we know when the no means yes? Does she really mean it when she says that she didn't see my message? Thankfully we have master educator and qualified female language translator Mark Sing who will teach you 10 ways in which women lie and break down what they REALLY mean. Apply for Mark's 3-Month Coaching ...
Nov 18, 2024•19 min•Ep 615•Transcript available on Metacast If you approach a woman and your energy is off, she will immediately pick up on it because all women are naturally equipped with military-grade high-precision social radars. Maybe you're nervous which causes you to stammer a bit and have awkward body language, and it's going to immediately kill any chances you have of getting her attracted to you. Women want a man who exudes confidence and good vibes. So you need a guaranteed way to get yourself into a high state where you're feeling like a cham...
Nov 14, 2024•21 min•Ep 614•Transcript available on Metacast Approach Anxiety, that nervous feeling you get when faced with the prospect of approaching and talking to a really hot girl that causes you to fumble your words and begin sweating profusely. We put a lot of work into helping members of the Unapologetic Man Army overcome approach anxiety through a mixture of preparation, practice, and working on their mindset. But how long does it take to finally overcome your approach anxiety? Does it ever truly go away? Today Mark gives you all the answers you'...
Nov 11, 2024•20 min•Ep 613•Transcript available on Metacast Here on the Unapologetic Man Podcast, we often talk about how to secure dates and attract women. But what about once you're in a relationship, or even married? When it comes to women, “rent” is always due—being together doesn’t mean you can turn down the heat. You need to consistently make an effort to stay in the masculine position and keep the attraction alive. In today’s episode, Mark outlines the essential rules you need to implementing if you want to maintain a healthy long-term relationshi...
Nov 07, 2024•28 min•Ep 612•Transcript available on Metacast When dating women, it doesn't take long to figure out that chasing too hard usually doesn't get you the results you want. As soon as they know they could have you if they wanted, the mystery is gone and it's no longer exciting to them. This is why we employ the 80/100 rule, always to leave women wanting that little bit more which keeps the excitement and intrigue. However, there is one specific scenario where you SHOULD chase women. Not only should you do it, but not doing so will probably make ...
Nov 04, 2024•24 min•Ep 611•Transcript available on Metacast When it comes to attraction, our initial instincts as men are often counterproductive to seduction. That's because the qualities that men are attracted to are inherently different than women. One of the best examples of this is agreeableness. You love to keep the peace, you don't want to fight, you don't want to fire back when she says something stupid. Here's the thing, if you are always agreeable, if you never call her out, she's going to see you as a pushover and not as the unapologetic alpha...
Oct 31, 2024•22 min•Ep 610•Transcript available on Metacast The way you think and the energy you project in the world has a profound effect on your reality. If you don't believe you can get women and don't deserve to be super rich, then guess what? You can't get women, and you aren't rich. Because of this, many men hamstring their own lives because they simply have chosen to believe greatness is not possible. Fortunately, this also works both ways. If you truly want something, you can quite literally COMMAND it into existence. And in today's episode, Mar...
Oct 28, 2024•19 min•Ep 609•Transcript available on Metacast The topic of abundance is often discussed on the Unapologetic Man Podcast. That's because being able to attract women is a skill set that needs to be developed by performing hundreds, if not thousands of repetitions, which includes going on dates. However, because you're becoming such an Alpha Silverback, some of these women you date will inevitably catch feelings for you, and it's not our intention to go around purposely breaking women's hearts. In today's episode, Mark goes deep into this topi...
Oct 24, 2024•22 min•Ep 608•Transcript available on Metacast The thoughts you have and the mindsets you adopt have a unique way of manifesting themselves in reality. So it’s essential to believe in yourself, and believe you can achieve anything if you want to have the best shot of becoming the man you want to be. But life’s not easy, there’s no way around it, it’s going to fill you with stress, trauma, and problems and try to drag you into a negative frame of mind. Today’s episode approaches the concept of being your own hero, where you can reflect on all...
Oct 21, 2024•22 min•Ep 607•Transcript available on Metacast If you've been listening to the Unapologetic Man Podcast for a while, there's no doubt you're getting much better at approaching women and getting their phone numbers. But many guys are still left confused when they don't get a reply to their texts. She seemed interested when she gave you her number—what happened? The truth is, you're probably making a critical mistake that got you blown out before you even texted her. In today's episode, Mark explains why in detail so you can massively increase...
Oct 17, 2024•26 min•Ep 606•Transcript available on Metacast American rapper Diddy has been the subject of much controversy recently, currently under arrest on charges of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and racketeering. Diddy's reputation is in shambles, and he faces the prospect of spending the rest of his life in jail. But how does a man with all the fame and money in the world so readily throw it away with such reprehensible behavior? Today, Mark takes a deep dive into what drives men to self-destruct in such a prolific way, offering valuable insight...
Oct 14, 2024•23 min•Ep 605•Transcript available on Metacast In times of difficulty, it is your responsibility as a man to step into the masculine role and be the protector and provider for your family and loved ones. You need to be the immovable rock that everyone else can rely on, never showing weakness, even when you're afraid, because your duty is to be the beacon that gives everyone else confidence that you have everything under control. In today's episode, Mark discusses the importance of embracing the warrior you already have inside, how it plays i...
Oct 10, 2024•15 min•Ep 604•Transcript available on Metacast So many people struggle to make the transition from exchanging pleasantries with a woman they've met on a dating app to getting that all-important "yes" for a date. They don't know how long the chat should go on before making the move or in what manner to ask. Plus, it's also difficult to run game through text. This is where the magic of video calling comes into play. When used correctly, and as instructed by Mark in today's episode, not only does it address all those issues mentioned above, but...
Oct 07, 2024•25 min•Ep 603•Transcript available on Metacast Most dating coaches will constantly tell you that the man leads and the woman follows. This is considered an unbreakable and universally accepted rule, and breaking it is said to guarantee failure with a woman. But is it? While taking the lead is important in certain aspects of dating, in other areas, it can actually benefit you much more if you let the woman lead the interaction. Today's episode takes a deep dive into exactly where, and why, letting the woman take the reins can work to your adv...
Oct 03, 2024•19 min•Ep 602•Transcript available on Metacast Receiving mixed signals from a woman can really throw guys off balance. This is because what our base-level natural instincts tell us to do—chase, demonstrate interest, and try hard to garner her affection—actually serves to lower your status in her eyes and makes her lose attraction. It can't be overstated how differently men and women operate when it comes to attraction. In many scenarios, you have to do the opposite of what your instincts tell you if you want her to become interested in you. ...
Sep 30, 2024•21 min•Ep 601•Transcript available on Metacast Spirituality plays a big role in our journeys as men. Whatever your ultimate goals are, understanding the nature of love and fear, the law of attraction, and our relationship with the collective consciousness will help you achieve them while living an honest and true life. In today's very special 600th episode of the Unapologetic Man Podcast, Mark compiles his 20+ years of knowledge and presents the ultimate guide to our purpose here on Earth and how we can live our best lives while achieving ev...
Sep 26, 2024•32 min•Ep 600•Transcript available on Metacast Your mental framing of any task that you find intimidating or scary can be the difference between success and failure. Our lives are full of situations where doing something we find scary or difficult will result in a net positive improvement to our lives. Yet, we consistently avoid, procrastinate, and talk ourselves out of doing it. Well, no more. In this episode, Mark breaks down what he calls the "I Can" principle, which will allow you to face your fears willingly and stop messing around with...
Sep 23, 2024•20 min•Ep 599•Transcript available on Metacast There’s a lot of shaming directed towards men when it comes to the topic of how older guys are commonly attracted to younger women. Women who are past their prime will call it creepy or predatory in an attempt to bully men into giving them attention instead of having it go toward hotter, younger women. Do NOT buy into it—you are biologically programmed to be attracted to younger women, and that's OK. To set the record straight and encourage you not to deny your biological programming, Mark takes...
Sep 19, 2024•25 min•Ep 598•Transcript available on Metacast Many men have a preferred race when it comes to the women they are attracted to, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Research from dating apps shows that Asian women receive some of the highest levels of interest from men. But should you adjust your strategy and adopt a game plan specifically tailored towards Asian women? Fortunately, Mark has mastered this area thanks to the four years he spent in Japan. In today's episode Mark reveals all when it comes to attracting and dating Asia...
Sep 16, 2024•24 min•Ep 597•Transcript available on Metacast In almost every avenue of life, tracking your data allows you to improve it. This could be anything from documenting your sets/reps at the gym, your daily calorie intake, or your income. But not many people know this even applies to those who want to improve their game and ability to seduce women. By creating what Mark calls an "After Action Report" you can give yourself a significant leg up. In today's episode, you'll learn exactly how to create and utilize an After Action Report to give your s...
Sep 12, 2024•17 min•Ep 596•Transcript available on Metacast You've probably been told at one point or another that "you should just know" when it comes to women. They want you to know how they feel, what they want, and do things for them without them even asking. Of course, we cannot be mind readers. However, if we pay close attention to the details, we can hack the matrix and make them think we are. In today's episode, you'll learn super effective tips and strategies on how to identify and execute small gestures that will make a woman think you really u...
Sep 09, 2024•20 min•Ep 595•Transcript available on Metacast Oftentimes, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Your phrasing, tonality, and confidence can mean the difference between a question being so dull it's an instant attraction killer or so intriguing it makes her perk up and pay attention to you. With this small tweak that Mark is sharing in today's episode, you'll learn how to adjust any standard boilerplate question into something that sparks interest and curiosity. If you find yourself struggling to talk to women, this will change everyth...
Sep 05, 2024•22 min•Ep 594•Transcript available on Metacast When discussing male traits that women find desirable, we often mention things such as height, money, social status, or style. But there's a barely discussed yet incredibly important trait that women absolutely love. Determination, ambition, grit, discipline—whatever you want to call it—women find men who are able to do hard things SUPER attractive. In today's episode, you'll learn why this matters, how to cultivate it in your own personality, and all the ways working on this trait will benefit ...
Sep 02, 2024•21 min•Ep 593•Transcript available on Metacast During his time working as a bouncer, Mark gained unique insights into how positions of authority and high social status affect women's perceptions of you. Attracting women, getting numbers, and securing dates are all made easier when a woman sees you as a high-status man. In today's episode, you'll learn how Mark leveraged this increased receptiveness from women by working in a position of authority, some of the crazy encounters he's had with women during his time as a doorman, and how you can ...
Aug 29, 2024•27 min•Ep 592•Transcript available on Metacast Women absolutely LOVE metaphysical things, crystals, zodiac signs, and tarot cards. And while these topics might make you roll your eyes, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to get women interested in you by involving MP topics and gambits in your conversations. In today's episode, you'll learn more than 3 MP-related gambits you can use on women at any time during your conversation to inject excitement and intrigue into the interaction. Remember, you don't need to be interested in these top...
Aug 26, 2024•19 min•Ep 591•Transcript available on Metacast Almost all of us carry some form of shame with us every day, whether it's about our sexuality, feeling inadequate, or believing we don't deserve the best. Whatever type of shame you carry, overcoming and reconciling it by first understanding its origin and then letting it go will greatly help you on your journey to living your best life. As someone who has dealt with this himself, Coach Mark Sing offers a highly effective NLP strategy to help identify and eliminate these toxic, shameful thoughts...
Aug 22, 2024•23 min•Ep 590•Transcript available on Metacast