Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the sea of techniques, tricks, and gambits we use in seduction, to the point that we end up losing sight of the fundamental reasons why these even build attraction in the first place. So, in today's episode, Mark is stripping things back and explaining the fundamentals behind building attraction in women. If you're new to seduction, this will give you a solid understanding of how this whole thing works. If you're a veteran, it serves as a reminder of the core p...
Oct 09, 2023•27 min•Ep 499•Transcript available on Metacast We’re often told that when we approach a woman the key is to “just be confident” and everything will work out. But if you’ve tried this you may have found yourself striking out because you either stayed in platonic conversation for too long, missing the window of attraction, or you tried to escalate too fast which ended up creeping her out. You need a plan and some direction with your conversation. To help with this Mark has developed the O.Q.Q.P Sequence which, when followed, will ensure you ke...
Oct 05, 2023•23 min•Ep 498•Transcript available on Metacast When getting a girl attracted to you, it’s only natural to want to let her know how amazing you are, all your good qualities are surely enough to win her affection! But care needs to be taken in how you deliver this knowledge of your awesomeness to her, if you’re too direct, it comes off as arrogant and will have the opposite effect. So in today’s episode, Mark discusses a high-level seduction system that allows you to “show off” your best self to a woman, but in a way that’s natural and organic...
Oct 02, 2023•21 min•Ep 497•Transcript available on Metacast One of the harsh realities we all have to face is that adversity, challenges, and difficulties are going to relentlessly assault your life no matter what. Even if you’re doing all the right things. The trick is not to live your life with the expectation you’ll be problem-free if you just hit all your goals, but in accepting the inevitability that you’re going to face problems regardless of your level of success. Once you adopt this new mentality you’ll now have two far more practical tools at yo...
Sep 28, 2023•18 min•Ep 496•Transcript available on Metacast Women will naturally try to give you small tests that check your frame to make sure you are emotionally stable. Failing these tests is a surefire way to deflate any subsequent seduction attempts as you haven't been able to establish yourself as someone who's confident. Fortunately, there’s a really easy way to counter any and all checks known as “The Tempe Turnaround”. This simple trick will allow you to immediately turn these frame checks straight back at her. Not only does make you look ultra-...
Sep 25, 2023•18 min•Ep 495•Transcript available on Metacast One of the most common questions people like to ask is “How long will it take for me to get good at attracting women?”. The only real answer to this is “it depends”. Do you have any skill to begin with? how many girls are you approaching a week? Have you invested in coaching from a professional or are you learning by yourself? So to help answer this question accurately, in today’s episode Mark is going to break down all the variables that will affect how quickly you can get good at seduction, an...
Sep 21, 2023•21 min•Ep 494•Transcript available on Metacast Ever found yourself chatting to an older or less attractive woman and you have the confidence of a lion, but when faced with a woman you think is genuinely beautiful you turn into a jellyfish as your backbone decides to take a quick break, leaving you a stumbling nervous wreck? Don’t worry, it’s normal. Hot girls can be intimidating as we usually have a stronger desire to impress them, this makes you outcome dependent which leads to nervousness that breaks your composure. If you want to start at...
Sep 18, 2023•24 min•Ep 493•Transcript available on Metacast While being romantic is great once you’ve gotten to know each other a bit, keeping the mood light early on by making her laugh is one of the best ways to get her attracted to you. But we get it, you’re nervous, perhaps a bit self-conscious, and it’s not always easy to be funny in the moment. For that reason, it’s extremely helpful to have a ‘bank’ of funny things to say that you can fall back on should the need arise. Coach Mark Sing has a near endless supply of banger one-liners that will help ...
Sep 14, 2023•16 min•Ep 492•Transcript available on Metacast Ever tried to bring up a legitimate concern with a woman, only to have them get into their emotions and become angry, even though everything you’re saying is perfectly logical? This is because when women feel (key word, FEEL) attacked, they’ll immediately jump on the defensive no matter how logical you are. This begs the question, how can we eliminate these unlikable traits and behaviors without direct confrontation and making her mad? This is where the sheer genius of Preemptive compliments com...
Sep 11, 2023•22 min•Ep 491•Transcript available on Metacast The thoughts you have and the mindsets you adopt have a unique way of manifesting themselves in reality. So it’s essential to believe in yourself, and believe you can achieve anything if you want to have the best shot of becoming your the man you want to be. But life’s not easy, there’s no way around it, it’s going to fill you with stress, trauma, and problems and try to drag you into a negative frame of mind. Today’s episode approaches the concept of being your own hero, where you can reflect o...
Sep 07, 2023•21 min•Ep 490•Transcript available on Metacast As a listener of the Unapologetic Man podcast, you’re being filled with knowledge on how to attract women, but surprisingly a lot of guys struggle to find places where they can put these skills into practice. While essentially anywhere can be a good place to meet women, there are certain places you can go to where the vibe or female-to-male ratio leans things in your favor. So in today’s episode Marks going to give you 25 incredible places you can go specifically to meet girls, so no matter wher...
Sep 04, 2023•19 min•Ep 489•Transcript available on Metacast Even if you’re not quite at the level of an expert pick up artist yet, adopting the mindset and thought process of one will cause you to exude the right kind of energy and frame that’s going to yield you better results with women out in the field. Effectively speeding up your progression. But where can you find a top-level professional pickup artist who’s going to openly share their entire thought process in an organized, succinct, and easy to digest way, completely free? Right here on the Unapo...
Aug 31, 2023•27 min•Ep 488•Transcript available on Metacast While the idea of pursuing your self-improvement as a lone wolf can be appealing, after all, who’s going to care about you more than yourself? The reality is that you are doing a massive disservice to your progression by not building a solid team of others around you. Keeping the right friends, employing the right people, and most importantly picking the right girl can exponentially improve your life and speed up your progression. Today’s episode helps break down exactly who you need in your tea...
Aug 28, 2023•23 min•Ep 487•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of guys tend to struggle on dating apps, the combination of bad profile pictures, an uninteresting bio and not being sure what to say to women when you do match culminate to make a pretty disappointing experience. But it doesn’t need to be that way, anyone can have tremendous success on dating apps and turn them into one of the best places to meet new women, but only if they learn how to navigate them correctly. Today’s episode follows up on UMP 485 where Mark explained how to get your pro...
Aug 24, 2023•18 min•Ep 486•Transcript available on Metacast Here on the Unapologetic Podcast, we understand that many guys hate using dating apps and find them to be nothing but a complete Hasselhoff. However, when utilized correctly with great pictures, a killer profile bio, and some of the banger openers Mark is sharing in today’s episode, you’re going to easily stand out from the average man that most women deal with on dating apps. So get ready gentleman, as you’re about to have more matches and dates that you’ll realistically have time to deal with....
Aug 21, 2023•22 min•Ep 485•Transcript available on Metacast The concept of opposites attracting is reflected everywhere in nature, but nowhere will you see it be more perfectly demonstrated than in interactions between men and women. Masculinity attracts femininity, women want masculine men, it’s that simple. This polarity is the fundamental that underlines attraction. Today’s episode will break down precisely what it is to be in your masculine energy and give you essential tips and habits you can employ today to immediately increase your masculinity. Ge...
Aug 17, 2023•24 min•Ep 484•Transcript available on Metacast While we all tell ourselves that we hate negativity and want to be positive, uplifting people who only bring joy and happiness to those around us. The reality is in the modern day we cannot escape the negativity the world keeps incessantly feeding us, and we are all completely ADDICTED to it. In today’s episode, Mark explains how negativity is infecting your life, why you need to get rid of it, and gives you a step-by-step guide on how to perform a 14-day detox that will rejuvenate your life. Ge...
Aug 14, 2023•30 min•Ep 483•Transcript available on Metacast By now you should understand that your primary goal when talking to a girl is to get her into an emotional state where you can start getting her attracted to you. Asking about the weather and her job isn’t going to get you anywhere. Roleplaying and using fantasy scenarios is one of the best ways to do this as humans will naturally feel some of the emotion of a made up scenario, even though it's not real. So today Mark will teach you how to effectively use roleplaying with extreme precision durin...
Aug 10, 2023•24 min•Ep 482•Transcript available on Metacast Ever had the experience of learning a bunch of tricks and theories about getting women attracted to you, thinking you’re completely ready to get out there and crush it, only to find your mind goes completely blank in the heat of the moment? If this is happening to you, don’t worry! It’s pretty common to run into memory wipe problems when taking seduction techniques from theory to reality. Fortunately, after years of helping thousands of men develop their social and seduction skills, Mark knows e...
Aug 07, 2023•23 min•Ep 481•Transcript available on Metacast When people say confidence is key, they aren’t joking around. If you truly believe in yourself and that you can succeed, it’s going to manifest and become your reality. The problem is that even when we tell ourselves we are champions, most of us don’t truly believe it. We’re still full of traumas and hangups that eat away at our confidence and hold us back. But that is an illusion, the fact is you’re already a champion for a multitude of reasons you probably don’t even give yourself credit for. ...
Aug 03, 2023•22 min•Ep 480•Transcript available on Metacast Heartbreak is something that we, as men, will all face in our lives. There’s no way around it, it hurts like hell! However, there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct yourself during a breakup. You can’t just start blowing up her phone begging for her back, not only does it cost you your dignity but it will make her even less attracted to you than before. You have only one option, and that’s to take a deep breath and start moving on. Of course, this is easier said than done, so today’s epis...
Jul 31, 2023•26 min•Ep 479•Transcript available on Metacast The overwhelming majority of guys do not understand how to talk to women in an engaging and exciting way. Their conversations are platonic and only cover boring subjects that elicit no real emotional reaction. This is fantastic news for you, as with just a little work you can easily make yourself stand out from the rabble. Now one of the most effective ways to get a woman to give you her complete and undivided attention is to tell her a story, but you need to tell it in the right way that gets h...
Jul 27, 2023•23 min•Ep 478•Transcript available on Metacast Today’s episode of the Unapologetic Podcast features a very special guest, Case Kenny, who is best known as the host of the incredibly popular self-improvement and mindset podcast “New Mindset, Who Dis?”. Mark and Case discuss dealing with a particular period during your self-improvement journey known as the pain gap. This is where you are actively working towards achieving your goals, but you're still a long way off which is leaving you dissatisfied in the here and now. With the mindset adjustm...
Jul 24, 2023•32 min•Ep 477•Transcript available on Metacast So you’re deploying all the supremely killer techniques and gambits you’ve been learning from The Unapologetic Podcast, but for some reason, things just aren’t sticking and you can’t seem to get any positive attraction from the women you’re talking to. This is because there are a myriad of signs and signals women key off that you might not have addressed yet, which can be anything from the clothes you’re wearing to not having your personal hygiene in order. To ensure you’re running the tightest ...
Jul 20, 2023•27 min•Ep 476•Transcript available on Metacast One surefire way to guarantee an unhappy relationship is to just accept the first girl who shows interest in you and commit to her. There’s a lot of women out there and your ideal match is waiting for you, but you’re not going to find her unless you’re interacting with as many women as humanly possible. So in today’s episode, Mark shares some important philosophies and techniques when it comes to getting an abundance of women into your life, and by interacting with a large volume of women you’re...
Jul 17, 2023•23 min•Ep 475•Transcript available on Metacast An important part of how Mark is so effectively able to remove your hang-ups and insecurities which are preventing you from getting girls is through the use of NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming. While the evidence of the efficacy of this practice is well-proven and heavily documented, many listeners don't actually know how it works or what an NLP session would actually look like. So today Mark is sharing some insight into both how NLP works, and how he utilizes it in his 3-month dating progra...
Jul 13, 2023•21 min•Ep 474•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of what we preach here on the Unapologetic Man Podcast is how to stop being so agreeable, how to hold frame, and be masculine. But, as with everything in life, there must be balance. And if all you are is a stone cold stoic and emotionless man, she’s going to leave you. You need to learn to be a little warmer, and in today’s episode Mark shares with you some key tricks you can use to demonstrate that you also have a sensitive side. Trust us, women love it! Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough...
Jul 10, 2023•25 min•Ep 473•Transcript available on Metacast Being masculine is not about being a completely emotionless robot. At some point you’re going to get stressed out or worried about something, it’s completely normal. Masculinity teaches us how to understand and handle our emotions in a stoic way so we don’t lash out or break down around those who need us to be their rock. Today Mark is sharing a philosophy from the great Eckhart Tolle which you can utilize to be at peace with your negative emotions and free yourself from their negative effects o...
Jul 06, 2023•22 min•Ep 472•Transcript available on Metacast When you start chatting to a woman, an invisible timer starts ticking and if you take too long to get her attracted to you then she’s going to get bored and go find someone else. This means you don’t have time to waste on boring platonic topics like the weather and your work, you need to get her into her emotions and start building attraction immediately. So in today’s episode, Mark gives you 5 of his best methods to steer the conversation out of the boring and into the engaging. If you have tro...
Jul 03, 2023•27 min•Ep 471•Transcript available on Metacast Our masculine traits are vital tools that we must fully utilize in order to achieve success in all aspects of life, from women and relationships to money and our health. Yet, modern media is conditioning young men to believe masculinity is a bad thing, that it's toxic and we should become more feminine. Don’t fall for it, rejecting your masculine tendencies is guaranteed to lead you down a path of ultimate unhappiness and unfulfillment. Embrace masculinity fully and you WILL get everything you e...
Jun 29, 2023•20 min•Ep 470•Transcript available on Metacast