SGU 5x5 #23 - Jun 8 2008
Lame car design analogy to intelligent design from the Discovery Institute.
Lame car design analogy to intelligent design from the Discovery Institute.
Researchers allow monkey to control robotic arm with its mind.
Family claims women miraculously brought back to life after rigor mortis
SPAM Chainletter e-mails do not spread as virally as thought.
The Science of Science-Fiction Movies
Man Regenerates Finger - Bad Science News Reporting
T-Rex proteins closely related to chickens
Surgery under hypnosis.
Examining a fossilized snake - with legs.
Nomophobia - the fear of being out of cell phone range.
Man convicted of molestation claims he was raped by Bigfoot.
Faith-healing cult leads to child death from medical neglect.
The Rogues discuss an art project to give the city of Portland, Oregon acupuncture.
Steven Spielberg to create new paranormal online community.
An Emmy award winning actress and her 911 conspiracy theory
Crytozoology - Hunting for the Thunderbird.
The panel discusses a proposed center for exorcism in Poland.
Dr. Harris's Pain Relief Snake Oil Infomercial
Pope Benedict XVI takes on science.
Do celebrity deaths come in threes? The rogues take on numerology.
Multilevel Marketing and Pyramid Schemes
Ghost Photographs - the SGU crew discovers a new form of photographic artifact mistaken for "ghost" photos.
The National Health Service of the UK plans to regulate alternative medicine.